When active, a mining base will begin mining all commodities on a planet adding it to its hold. Once the mining base is full, it will automatically begin to fill up any storage facilities at the body (ground or spatial) and deactivate itself once there is no space remaining.
If all commodities on a planet are mined, the base will also deactivate itself.
Level Perks
At level 100, the Mining Base will generate manmade commodities randomly.
Shield: 1,000 ZWs
Hull: 10,000 GPa
Energy Required: 50 ZWs
Total Attack Power: 100
Components Required: Hazmat Storage, Exchange Computer, Industrial Drill.
- Exchange Computer: Pure Titanium, Pure Silicon, Pure Zinc, Pure Nickel.
- Hazmat Storage: Pure Titanium, Pure Fluorine, Pure Strontium, Pure Scandium.
- Industrial Drill: Pure Molybdenum, Pure Samarium, Pure Tungsten, Pure Uranium.
Services Provided: None.
Bays: 1
Rooms: 1
Hold: 1,000 Mgs
Body Type Limit: None
Required Skill: None
Placement: Ground
Singular: No
Faction Usage Only: Yes
[ATTACK] Mounted Star Cannon: Deals S: 20, H: 50.
[ATTACK] Mounted Beam Cannon: Deals S: 50, H: 20.
[DEFENCE] Reinforce Integrity: Modifies the following statistics instantly for [SELF]: Incoming Damage: -5%.
[DEFENCE] Repair Crews: Modifies the following statistics instantly for [SELF]: Shields: +20 ZWs. Hull: +20 GPa.
[SPECIAL] Relay SOS: Send an SOS to the SOS channel.