The Caplan-Anders Stellar Engine or CASE for short, is a macrostructure in the form of an engine that can slowly move new stars.
The engine builds upon the principles laid forth by an ancient professor from Old Earth known as Matthew E. Caplan, in his work titled Caplan Thruster while at Illinois State University, a border defined region known as the 'Prairie State' within the nation of The United States of America (before global government).
The stellar engine uses concentrated stellar energy to excite certain regions of the outer surface of a new star and create beams of solar wind for collection by a multi-Bussard ramjet assembly. The ramjets produce directed plasma to stabilise its orbit, and jets of oxygen-14 to push the star as well as inertia beam technology. This allows the engine to move a star at a rate of 0.1 LYs every five days.
Shield: 3,000 ZWs
Hull: 3,000 GPa
Energy Required: 0 ZWs
Total Attack Power: 0
Components Required: Generational Heat Skin, Macro Thruster, Macro Fluid Tanks, Multi-Bussard Ramjet Assembly..
- Generational Heat Skin: Pure Gold, Pure Electrum, Pure Carbon, Pure Silver.
- Macro Fluid Tanks: Pure Iron, Pure Copper, Pure Carbon, Pure Titanium.
- Macro Thruster: Stable Antimatter, Pure Francium, Stable Dark Matter, Pure Plutonium.
- Multi-Bussard Ramjet Assembly.: Pure Carbon, Pure Argon, Pure Mendelevium, Pure Thorium.
Services Provided: Faction Storage.
Bays: 0
Rooms: 0
Hold: 1 Mgs
Body Type Limit: New Star
Required Skill: Macro Engineer 30
Placement: Spatial
Singular: Yes
Faction Usage Only: Yes
[ATTACK] Mounted Star Cannon: Deals S: 20, H: 50.
[ATTACK] Mounted Beam Cannon: Deals S: 50, H: 20.
[DEFENCE] Reinforce Integrity: Modifies the following statistics instantly for [SELF]: Incoming Damage: -5%.
[DEFENCE] Repair Crews: Modifies the following statistics instantly for [SELF]: Shields: +20 ZWs. Hull: +20 GPa.
[SPECIAL] Relay SOS: Send an SOS to the SOS channel.