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Orbital Defence Platform

The Orbital Defence Platform is specifically for intercepting weapons, nullifying them completely. While the structure is active and within combat, the platform can use combat abilities to jam and nullify attacks of all types and use area countermeasures.

Shield: 3,000 ZWs

Hull: 500 GPa

Energy Required: 10 ZWs

Total Attack Power: 0

Components Required: Tactical Interface.

- Tactical Interface: Pure Yttrium, Pure Neodymium, Pure Copper, Pure Silicon.

Services Provided: None.

Bays: 0

Rooms: 0

Hold: 0 Mgs

Body Type Limit: None

Required Skill: None

Placement: Spatial

Singular: No

Faction Usage Only: No


[REACTIVE] Area Countermeasures: Nullifies missile attacks of any damage type targeted at [FRIENDLY TEAM] 8 times for 3 turns.

[REACTIVE] Countermeasures: Nullifies missile attacks of any damage type targeted at [SELF] 5 times for 3 turns.

[REACTIVE] Jammer Lock: Nullifies any attacks of any damage type targeted at [FRIENDLY TEAM] 10 times for 1 turn.

[ATTACK] Mounted Star Cannon: Deals S: 20, H: 50.

[ATTACK] Mounted Beam Cannon: Deals S: 50, H: 20.

[DEFENCE] Reinforce Integrity: Modifies the following statistics instantly for [SELF]: Incoming Damage: -5%.

[DEFENCE] Repair Crews: Modifies the following statistics instantly for [SELF]: Shields: +20 ZWs. Hull: +20 GPa.

[SPECIAL] Relay SOS: Send an SOS to the SOS channel.
