The Consonance is a very specialised craft featuring in-built technology to stabilise unstable wormholes. Creating stable wormholes is one of the most powerful things a faction can accomplish, since it provides instant travel across huge distances, and the Consonance line of ships are the only ships that can complete this task. The ship features a fast 0.30 LY/m sublight speed and the ability to land and fit basic equipment, allowing it to serve as a wormhole hunter in the frontier.
Availability: ELITE
Tier: 1
Shield: 300 ZWs
Hull: 200 GPa
Power: 3.2 ZWs
Speed: 0.30 LY/m
FTL Range: 10 LYs
FTL Charge Time: 2 minutes
Maximum Fuel: 230.0 LYs
Hold: 100 Mgs
Customisable Rooms: 0
Bays: 0
Can Land: Yes
Ship Docking: Yes
Length: 166 m
Width: 149 m
Decks: 3
Cost: 40,000 credits
Skill Requirement: Support Craft 3.
Crew Requirement: 0
Guild Requirement: None.
Passive Perk: Integral Stabilisation
Allows the ship to stabilise wormholes to connect to a faction system.
Support Role
Support role ships increase the shields of all friendlies that join in progress combat by 10 ZWs.
Starter Cards
This ship does not grant any cards upon purchase.
Flight Time Units
As you use a ship for its intended purpose you will accumulate flight time units (FTUs) which can viewed in the tactical window. Once the FTUs reach 100% you will be awarded an upgraded version of the ship (if one is available), parked at a specified location.
The progression path for this ship is: Consonance Mk II
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