The TextSpaced API is in development but allows for gathering game data and playing the game programmatically. Information on how to use the API and full documentation can be found at https://www.postman.com/textspaced/workspace/public-api/collection/11077830-5c23950f-1dee-4c1c-818c-90e475ec8a58.
A working example of using the API in jQuery can be viewed at https://www.textspaced.com/examples/nearby/index.html
with the option to download the entire source.
Using the API is rather straight forward. Simply perform a GET or POST request to the endpoints listed in the documentation with any required parameters. An example in vanilla JavaScript using fetch and jQuery to call the API are as follows
Using vanilla JavaScript.
const headers = { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token };
fetch('https://api.textspaced.com/owned/ships/?key=value', { headers })
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => console.log(data));
Using jQuery.
url: "https://api.textspaced.com/owned/ships/",
type: 'POST',
datType: 'JSON',
headers: {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + token
data: params
This example performs a POST request to the specified URL, which in this case is a list of ships that you own. The authorisation bearer token is required with every call to identify who you are. You can retrieve your API token by visiting the preferences menu and coping your API token from there if you are a patreon subscriber.
In the example the token parameter must be replaced with your actual API token and the params parameters are any parameters you wish to send, as detailed in the documentation.
A similar POST request using cURL in PHP would look like:
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_URL => 'https://api.textspaced.com/owned/ships/?key=value',
'Authorization: Bearer $token',
$response = curl_exec($curl);
echo $response;
In this PHP example the same endpoint is called as the JavaScript example, parameters are appended to the URL and the authorisation bearer token included as a header.
The API is JSON based and will return responses in JSON format as described in the documentation. In the PHP example, using the json_decode function will convert the JSON into a PHP object for
easier use. We recommend using an app such as Postman for helping to debug your requests before creating your own code. For API calls that
are actions, such as move, a response format is used with a code and description about the outcome of the action. These codes are broken down below for convenience.
Response Codes
- A1: Training was started successfully.
- A2: The room ID to use for training was not supplied.
- A3: The room could not be used.
- A4: Training was stopped successfully.
- A5: Training could not be stopped as it was not in progress.
- A6: You cannot train a skill beyond level 50.
- AA1: All equipment parts possible were successfully recovered.
- AA2: No equipment parts to recover were detected at the current location.
- AA3: You do not have free space to recover equipment parts.
- AB1: The system was abandoned successfully.
- AB2: The system ID to abandon was not supplied.
- AB3: Only the faction founder can abandon a system.
- AB4: You cannot abandon a system that does not belong to your faction.
- AC1: All commodities possible were transferred.
- AC2: The structure ID to transfer from was not supplied.
- AC3: The structure does not have commodities to transfer.
- AC4: You do not have enough free space to perform a transfer of this nature.
- AC5: The structure of the supplied ID could not be found.
- AC6: This structure type cannot accept commodities.
- AC7: As an Ensign you cannot transfer cargo.
- AD1: The automation status of the factory has been updated successfully.
- AD2: The factory of the supplied ID could not be found.
- AD3: You must have the faction role of Captain or above to change automation status of factories.
- AE1: All equipment parts possible were successfully transferred from the structure.
- AE2: The structure ID to transfer from was not supplied.
- AE3: No equipment parts could be found in the structure to transfer.
- AE4: Your ship does not have enough space to start this type of transfer.
- AE5: The structure of the supplied ID could not be found.
- AE6: This structure type cannot accept equipment parts.
- AE7: As an Ensign you cannot transfer cargo.
- AG1: All weapons have been successfully targeted at the supplied target.
- AG2: The target ID was not supplied.
- AG3: The target type was not supplied.
- AG4: The target supplied could not be found.
- AH1: All weapons was successfully set to hold fire.
- AL1: All weapons were successfully set to fire at will.
- AM1: All commodities possible were sold.
- AM2: The current system does not allow alien trade.
- AM3: A valid trading structure could not be located.
- AM4: There are no commodity trading services in the current system.
- AM5: You cannot sell commodities to your own faction.
- AM6: The Merchant has declined to purchase the commodities from you.
- AN1: All weapons parts possible were successfully transferred from the structure.
- AN2: The structure ID to transfer from was not supplied.
- AN3: No weapons parts to transfer were found in the structure.
- AN4: Your ship does not have enough free space to start a transfer of this type.
- AN5: The structure of the supplied ID was not found.
- AN6: This struture type cannot accept weapon parts.
- AN7: As an Ensign you cannot transfer cargo.
- AO1: All consumables possible were transferred.
- AO2: The structure ID to transfer from was not supplied.
- AO3: The structure has no consumables to transfer.
- AO4: You do not have enough free space to perform a transfer of this type.
- AO5: The structure of the supplied ID could not be found.
- AO6: As an Ensign you cannot transfer cargo from a faction structure.
- AP1: All weapons possible were successfully transferred from the structure.
- AP2: The structure ID to transfer from was not supplied.
- AP3: No weapons were found in the structure to transfer.
- AP4: Your current ship does not have enough free space to start a transfer of this type.
- AP5: The structure of the supplied ID could not be found.
- AP6: This structure type cannot accept weapons.
- AP7: As an Ensign you cannot transfer cargo.
- AQ1: All equipment possible was successfully transferred from the structure.
- AQ2: The structure ID to transfer from was not supplied.
- AQ3: No equipment was found to transfer in the structure.
- AQ4: You do not have enough free hold space to start a transfer of this type.
- AQ5: The structure of the supplied ID could not be found.
- AQ6: This structure type cannot accept equipment.
- AQ7: As an Ensign you cannot transfer cargo.
- AR1: All ships parts possible were successfully transferred from the structure.
- AR2: The structure ID to transfer from was not supplied.
- AR3: No ship parts were found in the structure no transfer.
- AR4: Your current ship does not have enough free space to start this type of transfer.
- AR5: The structure of the supplied ID could not be found.
- AR6: This structure type cannot accept ship parts.
- AR7: As an Ensign you cannot transfer cargo.
- AS1: The fabrication process was stopped successfully.
- AS2: The structure ID of the factory to stop was not supplied.
- AS3: The structure of the supplied ID could not be found.
- AT1: The weapon part was transferred from the structure to your hold successfully.
- AT2: The weapon part to transfer was not supplied.
- AT3: The quantity to transfer was not supplied.
- AT4: The quantity supplied is not a valid number.
- AT5: The weapon part of the supplied quantity was not found in the current ship hold.
- AT6: The current system has no storage services.
- AT7: The structure ID was not supplied.
- AT8: Your current ship does not have enough free hold space to transfer the weapon part.
- AT9: You are not in the same system as the structure.
- AT10: This structure cannot accept weapons parts.
- AT11: As an Ensign you cannot transfer cargo.
- AU1: All structure components possible were successfully transferred from the structure.
- AU2: The structure ID to transfer from was not supplied.
- AU3: No structure components were found in the structure to transfer.
- AU4: You do not have enough free hold space to start a transfer of this type.
- AU5: The structure of the supplied ID could not be found.
- AU6: This structure type cannot accept structure components.
- AU7: As an Ensign you cannot transfer cargo.
- AW1: The weapon port was repaired successfully.
- AW2: The current system does not have ship repair services.
- AW3: The port ID of the weapon to repair was not supplied.
- AW4: You do not have enough credits to repair this weapon.
- AW5: The weapon of the supplied ID could not be found.
- AW6: Exotic weapons cannot be repaired.
- AY1: Alchemy was completed successfully.
- AY2: The commodity ID to use for alchemy was not supplied.
- AY3: You do not have 100 Mgs of the supplied commodity to begin alchemy.
- AY4: You do not have the required skill to start alchemy.
- AY5: You do not have enough free space to start alchemy.
- B1: The structure was built successfully.
- B2: This system is already claimed by another faction.
- B3: You do not have all of the required structure components in your hold to build this structure.
- B4: This structure is required to be built on ground.
- B5: This structure is required to be built in orbit of a safe body.
- B6: This structure can only be built on or around a specific body type.
- B7: Only one of this structure can be built in a system.
- B8: Your faction does not have enough surplus energy to build and power this structure.
- B9: You require to be in a ship with the engineering perk to build structures.
- B10: The body ID was not supplied.
- B11: This structure is a maximum level, it cannot be upgraded further.
- B12: This body type cannot support macrostructures or planetary structures.
- B13: A Fold Drill cannot be built at a body with structure present.
- B14: This type of body cannot support fold drilling.
- B15: You cannot build structures in this system.
- B16: A macrostructure is already under construction, you cannot upgrade this structure at this time.
- B17: You cannot build structures while in a simulation.
- BA1: The base was built successfully.
- BA2: Your faction does not own the current system.
- BA3: You do not have the correct amount of structure components to build this base.
- BA4: A structure in the base list cannot be built at the orbiting body.
- BA5: A structure in the base list cannot be built at the orbiting body.
- BA6: A structure in the base list cannot be built at the orbiting body.
- BA7: A structure within the base list is system singular and another structure of the same type is present.
- BA9: You must be in a construction role ship to build a base.
- BA11: Structures within a base can only be built to level 100.
- BA12: A structure in the base list cannot be built at an Alderson Disc.
- BA15: You do not have enough structure components to build all the structures in the base list.
- BA16: You cannot build structures in this system.
- BB1: You purchased the book successfully.
- BB2: The ID of the book to buy was not supplied.
- BB3: The book of the supplied ID could not be found.
- BB4: You do not have enough credits to purchase this book.
- BB5: You already own this book and cannot purchase it again.
- BB6: You do not have enough Pure Gold to purchase this book.
- BB7: The current system disallows alien trade.
- BB8: The current system disallows clones.
- BB9: The current system disallows androids.
- BB10: The current system disallows humans.
- BB11: Your faction must research Mechanical Beings Linguistics before you can trade with the Mechanical Fleet.
- BC1: The commodity was purchased successfully.
- BC2: The supplied commodity ID for buying commodities is invalid.
- BC3: The supplied quantity for buying commodities is invalid.
- BC4: The price for buying the commodity is outside of acceptable range and the transaction was decline.
- BC5: The user does not have enough credits for the transaction.
- BC6: The current ship does not have enough free hold space to buy the commodity at the supplied quantity.
- BC7: The current ship is not in a system with trading structures to buy commodities.
- BC8: The current system does not have illegal trading commodities service.
- BC9: The current market price cannot be determined.
- BC10: The current system disallows alien trade.
- BC11: The current system disallows clones.
- BC12: The current system disallows androids.
- BC13: The current system disallows humans.
- BC14: The structure has declined to execute this trade.
- BE1: Equipment was purchased successfully and fitted to ship.
- BE2: Equipment was purchased successfully and stored in hold.
- BE3: This piece of equipment is not in stock in the current system
- BE4: Your ship does not have enough energy for this equipment.
- BE5: You do not have enough power for this piece of equipment.
- BE6: You do not have enough hold space to store this piece of equipment.
- BE7: You do not have enough credits to purchase this piece of equipment.
- BE8: This system is not conducting trade with aliens.
- BE9: This system does not have trading illegal ports services.
- BE10: The current system does not have port trading services.
- BE11: There is not enough stock of this equipment at the supplied quantity.
- BE12: The piece of equipment is not compatible with your ship.
- BE13: You do not have enough Pure Gold to buy this equipment.
- BE14: Your Mechanical Fleet limit is lower than the quantity you are attempting to purchase.
- BE15: The current system disallows clones.
- BE16: The current system disallows androids.
- BE17: The current system disallows humans.
- BE18: Your faction must research Mechanical Beings Linguistics before you can trade with the Mechanical Fleet.
- BF1: The food or drink was purchased successfully.
- BF2: The food or drink ID was not supplied.
- BF3: The food or drink is not available to purchase in this system.
- BF4: You cannot afford this food or drink.
- BF5: The current system does not have amenity services.
- BH1: The ship has been successfully purchased and is parked.
- BH2: The current system does not have ship trading services.
- BH3: The ship of the supplied ID cannot be found in stock.
- BH4: You do not have enough credits to purchase this ship.
- BH5: The current system does not allow alien trade.
- BH6: You do not have enough crew to operate this ship.
- BH7: You do not meet the skill requirement to command this ship.
- BH8: You do not meet the guild requirement to purchase this ship.
- BH9: The current system disallows clones.
- BH10: The current system disallows androids.
- BH11: The current system disallows humans.
- BK1: The user was blocked or unblocked successfully.
- BK2: The user ID to block was not supplied.
- BK3: The user of the supplied ID could not be found.
- BM1: The medical treatment was purchased successfully.
- BM2: The amount of health to heal was not supplied.
- BM3: The current systems does not have legal amenity services.
- BM4: The current systems does not have illegal amenity services.
- BM5: The health amount supplied is invalid.
- BM6: You currently have maximum health.
- BN1: The consumable has been successfully purchased.
- BN2: Your current ship does not have enough free hold space to purchase the consumable.
- BN3: You do not have enough credits to purchase this consumable.
- BN4: The consumable to purchase is no longer in stock.
- BN5: The current system is not currently accepting alien trade.
- BN6: The amount of consumables specified could not be found.
- BN7: You do not have enough Pure Gold to purchase this consumable.
- BN8: Your Mechanical Fleet limit is lower than the quantity you are attempting to purchase.
- BN9: The current system disallows clones.
- BN10: The current system disallows androids.
- BN11: The current system disallows humans.
- BN12: Your faction must research Mechanical Beings Linguistics before you can trade with the Mechanical Fleet.
- BO1: The boost was purchased successfully.
- BO2: You require one B-Chip to purchase a boost.
- BO3: The boost of the supplied ID could not be found.
- BP1: The weapon part was purchased successfully.
- BP2: Your ship does not have enough space to store this weapon part.
- BP3: You do not have enough credits to purchase this weapon part.
- BP4: This weapon part is no longer in stock to purchase.
- BP5: The current system is not accepting alien trade.
- BP6: You do not have enough Pure Gold to purchase this weapon part.
- BP7: Your Mechanical Fleet limit is lower than the quantity you are attempting to purchase.
- BP8: The current system disallows clones.
- BP9: The current system disallows androids.
- BP10: The current system disallows humans.
- Bp11: Your faction must research Mechanical Beings Linguistics before you can trade with the Mechanical Fleet.
- BQ1: You have successfully purchase the equipment part.
- BQ2: Your current ship hold does not have enough free space to purchase the equipment part.
- BQ3: You do not have enough credits to purchase this equipment part.
- BQ4: The equipment part is no longer stock.
- BQ5: The current system is not currently accepting alien trade.
- BQ6: Your Mechanical Fleet limit is lower than the quantity you are attempting to purchase.
- BQ7: The current system disallows clones.
- BQ8: The current system disallows androids.
- BQ9: The current system disallows humans.
- BQ10: Your faction must research Mechanical Beings Linguistics before you can trade with the Mechanical Fleet.
- BR1: The ship repair was successful.
- BR2: The current system does not have ship repair services.
- BR3: Your current ship does not have any damage to repair.
- BR4: You do not have enough credits to repair your ship.
- BS1: The ship part was purchased successfully and stored in your hold.
- BS2: You do not have enough free space in your current ship hold to store the ship part.
- BS3: You do not have enough credits to purchase this ship part.
- BS4: The ship part to purchase is no longer in stock.
- BS5: The current system is not accepting alien trade.
- BS6: You do not have enough Pure Gold to purchase this ship part.
- BS7: Your Mechanical Fleet limit is lower than the quantity you are attempting to purchase.
- BS8: The current system disallows clones.
- BS9: The current system disallows androids.
- BS10: The current system disallows humans.
- BS11: Your faction must research Mechanical Beings Linguistics before you can trade with the Mechanical Fleet.
- BT1: The structure component was purchased successfully.
- BT2: Your current ship does not have enough free hold space to buy the structure component.
- BT3: You do not have enough credits to purchase the structure component.
- BT4: The current system does not have part trading services.
- BT5: The current system is not currently accepting alien trade.
- BT6: You do not have enough Pure Gold to purchase this structure component.
- BT7: Your Mechanical Fleet limit is lower than the quantity you are attempting to purchase.
- BT8: The current system disallows clones.
- BT9: The current system disallows androids.
- BT10: The current system disallows humans.
- BT11: Your faction must research Mechanical Beings Linguistics before you can trade with the Mechanical Fleet.
- BT12: The components are no longer in stock.
- BW1: Weapon was purchased successfully and fitted to ship.
- BW2: Weapon was purchased successfully and added to hold.
- BW3: Weapon could not be purchased as it was not found in stock.
- BW4: Cannot buy weapon and fit weapon as ship internal systems have been destroyed.
- BW5: Cannot purchase and fit weapon as your current ship does not have enough power for the weapon.
- BW6: Cannot purchase and store weapon in hold as the hold of the current ship does not have enough space.
- BW7: Cannot purchase weapon as you do not have enough credits.
- BW8: Cannot purchase weapon as alien trade is not allowed in this system.
- BW9: The current system does not have trading illegal ports services.
- BW10: The current system does not have port trading services.
- BW11: The weapon is not available in the quantity supplied.
- BW12: Cannot purchase weapon as you do not have enough Ancient Coins.
- BW13: This weapon is not compatible with your ship.
- BW14: Cannot purchase this weapon as you do not have enough Ancient Coins.
- BW15: Your Mechanical Fleet limit is lower than the quantity you are attempting to purchase.
- BW16: The current system disallows clones.
- BW17: The current system disallows androids.
- BW18: The current system disallows humans.
- BW19: Your faction must research Mechanical Beings Linguistics before you can trade with the Mechanical Fleet.
- BX1: The booster was used successfully.
- BX2: The booster ID was not supplied.
- BX3: The field ID of the farm was not supplied.
- BX4: The booster could not be found in your hold.
- BX5: The farm could not be located in your current system.
- BX6: This booster is incompatible with the crop.
- BY1: The buoy message was changed successfully.
- BY2: No buoy message was supplied.
- BY3: The buoy message must be at least three characters long.
- BY4: The buoy message contained blocked words and was not saved.
- BY5: The buoy message contained blocked words and was not saved.
- BY6: Your faction does not own the system.
- BY7: The system does not have a Buoy present.
- BY8: Only the faction founder can set Buoy messages.
- BY9: Setting Buoy messages is a patron exclusive perk.
- C1: Cargo ejected successfully.
- C2: Commodity to eject not defined.
- C3: Quantity to eject not defined.
- C4: Quantity to eject is not a positive number.
- C5: Selected cargo was not found in hold.
- C6: Structure component to eject was not supplied.
- C7: Consumable to eject was not defined.
- C8: You cannot eject cargo while mining.
- CA1: The card was added to the deck successfully.
- CA2: No card ID was supplied.
- CA3: You do not own the card with the ID supplied.
- CA4: You do not have enough copies of this card to add another.
- CA5: This card is not compatible with your current ship type.
- CB1: The contract was purchased successfully.
- CB2: The contract ID to purchase was not specified.
- CB3: Your faction does not have enough rep to purchase this contract.
- CB4: Your karma is too low with this faction to purchase a contract.
- CB5: You already have an active contract.
- CB6: The contract of the supplied ID does not exist.
- CB7: You cannot hire contracts as an ensign in your faction.
- CB8: You cannot take this contract until version 1.1 is released.
- CB9: This contract is still being tested and is not yet available.
- CC1: The consumable was successfully transferred from the structure to your ship.
- CC2: The consumable ID to transfer was not supplied.
- CC3: The quantity the transfer was not supplied.
- CC4: The quantity supplied was not a valid number.
- CC5: The consumable of the supplied amount was not found.
- CC6: The current system does not have any structures to transfer consumables from.
- CC7: The structure ID to transfer from was not supplied.
- CC8: Your current ship does not have enough space for the consumable at the supplied quantity.
- CC9: As an Ensign you cannot transfer cargo.
- CD1: The crew member was successfully dismissed.
- CD2: The crew member ID to dismiss was not supplied.
- CD3: The crew member could not be found or is away.
- CD4: The crew is currently still onboard a ship.
- CE1: The crew member has been embarked successfully.
- CE2: A reserve was not found on the planet you are in orbit of.
- CE3: You have no free crew members to embark.
- CE4: Your ship has no space for further crew to embark.
- CE5: The crew member of the supplied ID could not be found.
- CE8: The equipment has been successfully crafted.
- CE9: As an Ensign you cannot take crew from a reserve.
- CF1: The crew member was favourited successfully.
- CF2: The crew ID was not supplied.
- CF3: The crew ID supplied is not a valid number.
- CF4: The crew member of the supplied ID cannot be found.
- CF5: The crew member is already favourited.
- CG1: The weapon was targeted successfully.
- CG2: The weapon ID to target was not supplied.
- CG3: The target ID was not supplied.
- CG4: The target type was not supplied.
- CG5: The weapon could not be found fitted to your ship.
- CG6: The target of the supplied ID could not be found.
- CH1: Charting has started successfully.
- CH2: The body ID was not supplied.
- CH3: The user is not currently within a system.
- CH4: The body cannot be found within the current system.
- CH5: The body has already been charted or cannot be charted for an unknown reason.
- CH6: The body cannot be charted.
- CH7: Charting cannot be stopped as it is not in progress.
- CH8: This body has already been charted by your faction, charting is not required.
- CH9: Cannot start charting while docked.
- CH10: You cannot chart in this system as the faction which owns the system has disallowed landing, your rank of ensign prohibits causing relational damages.
- CH11: You cannot chart a planet in a ship that cannot land.
- CH12: The body has a planetary shield and cannot be charted.
- CI1: The weapon was successfully set to fire at will.
- CI2: The weapon ID to fire at will was not supplied.
- CI3: The weapon of the supplied ID could not be found fitted to your ship.
- CJ1: All commodities were successfully ejected.
- CJ2: You cannot eject all cargo while mining.
- CK1: You cloaked successfully.
- CK2: You are already cloaked.
- CK3: A cloaking module cannot be found fitted to your ship.
- CK4: Cloaking cannot be achieved in the current region.
- CL1: The weapon is holding fire successfully.
- CL2: The weapon ID was not supplied.
- CL3: The weapon of the supplied ID could not be found fitted to your ship.
- CM1: Consumable crafted successfully.
- CM2: The consumable ID to craft was not supplied.
- CM3: You do not have enough free hold space to craft this consumable.
- CM4: You do not have all the consumables required for the recipe.
- CN1: The crew member was cloned successfully.
- CN2: The crew member ID to clone was not supplied.
- CN3: The current ship does not feature a Conduit Womb.
- CO1: The connections guess was successfully submitted.
- CO2: The connections guess must be at least one character long.
- CO3: You do not have an active connections game.
- CO4: You already have an active connections game and cannot start another.
- CO5: You do not have enough credits to play connections.
- CO6: The connections game was successfully started.
- CP1: The ship as stowed successfully.
- CP2: The ship ID to stow was not supplied
- CP3: The ship to stow could not be found.
- CP4: You cannot stow this ship.
- CP5: You cannot stow a ship while not idle.
- CP6: You have no free bays to stow the ship.
- CQ1: The crew member was disembarked successfully.
- CQ2: The crew ID to disembark was not supplied.
- CQ3: The crew member of the supplied ID is away.
- CQ4: The planet you are orbiting does not have a reserve structure.
- CQ5: The reserve on the planet you are orbiting does not have space for more crew.
- CR1: The crew role has been changed successfully.
- CR2: The crew ID was not supplied.
- CR3: The crew role ID was not supplied.
- CR4: The crew member of the supplied ID could not be found.
- CR5: The crew role ID supplied is not valid.
- CS1: The crew members have been switched successfully.
- CS2: The crew member in ID was not supplied.
- CS3: The crew member out ID was not supplied.
- CS4: You have no free crew members to switch.
- CS5: The crew member to switch out was not found on the current ship.
- CS6: The crew member to embark is not available.
- CT1: The consumable was stored in the structure successfully.
- CT2: The consumable ID to transfer was not supplied.
- CT3: The quantity to store was not supplied.
- CT4: The quantity supplied was not a valid number.
- CT5: The consumable of the supplied quantity was not found in the current ships hold.
- CT6: The current system has no structures to store consumables.
- CT7: The structure ID to store consumables was not supplied.
- CT8: The structure does not have enough space to store the consumable.
- CU1: The crew member was unfavourited successfully.
- CU2: The crew ID was not supplied.
- CU3: The crew ID supplied is not a valid number.
- CU4: The crew member of the supplied ID cannot be found.
- CU5: The crew member is already unfavourited.
- CV1: The android crew member was harvested succesfully.
- CV2: The crew member ID to harvest was not supplied.
- CW1: The weapon parts were consumed but no recipe was found.
- CW2: Not all part IDs for the recipe were supplied.
- CW3: The current system does not have faction port crafting services.
- CW4: The armoury does not have the part IDs supplied.
- CW5: The armoury does not have enough hold space to begin crafting.
- CW6: Some of the weapon parts used are no within an unlocked weapon line.
- CW7: The weapon recipe has already been discovered.
- CW8: A new weapon recipe was discovered.
- CW9: Your faction does not have enough port research centres online to attempt crafting a new weapon line.
- CX1: The crew member was embarked successfully.
- CX2: You are not in orbit of a planet with a Reserve.
- CX3: The crew ID to embark was not supplied.
- CX4: You have no space in your roster to embark crew.
- CX5: The crew member of the supplied ID could not be found in the Reserve.
- CY1: The guess was submitted successfully but incorrect.
- CY2: The passcode guess was not supplied.
- CY3: The guess was submitted successfully and was correct.
- CY4: You have reached the limit of 10 guesses, the data has been lost.
- CY5: You are guessing too quickly, please wait four hours to guess again.
- CZ1: The equipment parts were consumed by no recipe was found.
- CZ2: Not all equipment part IDs were supplied.
- CZ3: The current system has no faction crafting services.
- CZ4: Not all parts were found in the armoury hold.
- CZ5: The armoury does not have enough space to begin equipment crafting.
- CZ6: Some of the parts used are not within an unlocked equipment line.
- CZ7: The equipment recipe has already been discovered.
- CZ9: Your faction does not have enough port research centres online to attempt to discover a new equipment line.
- D1: The structure was deconstructed successfully.
- D2: The structure ID to deconstruct was not supplied.
- D3: The structure of the ID supplied does not belong to your faction or you are not in the same system as the structure.
- D4: Your current ship does not have the construction perk to be able to deconstruct structures.
- D5: You are required to be the role of captain or above to deconstruct structures.
- D6: You cannot deconstruct a settlement while colonists are present.
- D7: Only faction members with the rank of captain and above can deconstruct structures.
- D8: The treasury cannot be deconstructed while a hostile hack is in progress.
- DA1: All crew disembarked successfully.
- DA2: You have no crew which can be disembarked.
- DA3: A faction reserve is not present at the current orbit.
- DA4: The faction reserve does not have space for all crew.
- DC1: The current deck was cleared successfully.
- DC2: No card were present in the current deck.
- DD1: Faction dividends were dispersed successfully.
- DD2: Only the faction founder can disperse faction dividends.
- DD3: There must be a minimum of 1,000 credits to disperse.
- DE1: The weapon was dismantled successfully.
- DE2: The ID of the weapon to dismantle was not supplied.
- DE3: The ID of the armoury was not supplied.
- DE4: The weapon of the supplied ID could not be found in the armoury.
- DE5: The armoury requires at least 1 Mg of free hold space to perform this action.
- DE6: This weapon cannot be dismantled.
- DK1: You successfully decloaked.
- DM1: The body was renamed successfully.
- DM2: The body ID to rename was not supplied.
- DM3: The custom name to use to rename the body was not supplied.
- DM4: The custom name must be longer than three characters and shorter than 64.
- DM5: The body of the supplied ID cannot be found.
- DM6: The name contains block language and cannot be used.
- DM7: The name contains blocked terms and cannot be used.
- DM8: A body name can only contains letters, numbers and spaces.
- DM9: A body name cannot consist of only numbers.
- DO1: The cargo was destroyed successfully.
- DO2: The cargo ID to destroy was not supplied.
- DO3: The structure ID containing the consumable was not supplied.
- DO4: The cargo could not be found in the structure.
- DO5: You are not in the same system as the structure.
- DO6: You must be of faction rank admiral or above to destroy cargo.
- DQ1: The equipment port was dismantled successfully.
- DQ2: The ID of the equipment port to dismantle was not supplied.
- DQ3: The structure ID of the armoury was not supplied.
- DQ4: The equipment port could not be found in the armoury hold.
- DQ5: The armoury requires at least 1 Mg of free space to perform this task.
- DQ6: This equipment cannot be dismantled.
- DR1: The card was removed from the deck successfully.
- DR2: The card ID to remove from the deck was not supplied.
- DR3: The card to remove is not currently in your deck.
- DS1: The structure was disabled successfully.
- DS2: Structure ID was not supplied.
- DS3: Structure was not enabled.
- DS4: As an Ensign you cannot disable structures.
- DW1: War was successfully declared on the target faction.
- DW2: The faction ID to declare war on was not supplied.
- DW3: The faction ID supplied is not valid.
- DW4: You do not have the sufficient faction role to declare war, only the faction founder can declare war on another faction.
- DW5: You cannot declare war on a faction you have an alliance with.
- DW6: You cannot declare war on a faction you are already at war with.
- DW7: You cannot declare war on a faction you have had no dealings with.
- E1: The target has been engaged successfully.
- E2: The ship ID to attack was not supplied.
- E3: You can only attack ships at the same location that are not within your faction.
- E4: The target ship could not be found at the current location.
- E5: You can not attack targets with your current faction role.
- E6: You are already in combat.
- E7: This feature is not currently available.
- E8: You cannot attack a ship belonging to a faction you are allied with.
- E9: You cannot attack a ship in sublight travel.
- E10: You cannot attack ships while in a simulation region.
- EA1: The alliance was ended successfully.
- EA2: The faction ID was not supplied.
- EA3: The faction ID is no longer valid.
- EA4: Only the faction founder can end an alliance.
- EA5: There is not an active alliance between the supplied faction.
- EC1: Stored all consumables possible successfully.
- EC2: The structure ID to store consumables in was not supplied.
- EC3: The structure of the supplied ID cannot be found in the current system.
- ED1: The equipment part was successfully removed from the recipe.
- ED2: The equipment part ID to remove was not supplied.
- ED3: The structure with h the recipe was not found.
- ED4: The equipment part can no longer be found in the structure.
- ED5: The equipment part can no longer be found.
- ED6: The structure ID was not supplied.
- EE1: Successfully ejected the equipment from your hold.
- EE2: The equipment ID to eject was not supplied.
- EE3: The quantity to eject was not supplied.
- EE4: The quantity supplied was not a valid number.
- EE5: The equipment at the supplied quantity was not found in the current ship hold.
- EF1: The fitted equipment was ejected successfully.
- EF2: The fitted equipment ID to eject was not supplied.
- EF3: The quantity of the fitted equipment to eject was not supplied.
- EF4: The quantity supplied is not a valid number.
- EF5: The fitted equipment of the supplied ID could not be found.
- EG1: All ship parts possible were stored to the structure.
- EG2: The structure ID to store ship parts in was not supplied.
- EG3: The structure of the supplied ID could not be found in the system.
- EG4: This structure type cannot accept ship parts.
- EH1: The ship part was removed from the recipe successfully.
- EH2: The ship part ID was not supplied.
- EH3: The current system does not have ship crafting services.
- EH4: The ship part cannot be found.
- EH5: The ship part cannot be found in the current recipe.
- EI1: All equipment parts were stored in the structure successfully.
- EI2: The structure ID to store the equipment parts was not supplied.
- EI3: The structure of the supplied ID could not be found in the system
- Ei4: This structure type cannot accept equipment parts.
- EM1: All structure components possible were stored in the structure.
- EM2: The structure ID to stored structure components was not supplied.
- EM3: The structure of the supplied ID could not be found in the system.
- EM4: This structure cannot accept structure components.
- EN1: All weapon parts possible were stored in the structure.
- EN2: The structure ID to store weapons parts in was not supplied.
- EN3: The structure of the supplied ID was not found in the system.
- EN4: This structure cannot accept weapon parts.
- EO1: All commodities possible were stored in the structure.
- EO2: The structure ID to store the commodities in was not supplied.
- EO3: The structure of the supplied ID could not be found in the system.
- EO4: This structure type cannot accept commodities.
- EP1: All equipment possible was stored in the structure.
- EP2: The structure ID to store equipment in was not supplied.
- EP3: The structure of the supplied ID was not found in the system.
- EP4: This structure type cannot accept equipment.
- EQ1: The equipment part has been sold successfully.
- EQ2: Your faction has to discover the supplied system.
- EQ3: The equipment part cost cannot be determined.
- EQ4: The current system is not currently accepting alien trade.
- EQ5: The current system does not have any part trading services.
- EQ6: You cannot sell equipment parts to your own faction.
- ER1: The equipment was successfully transferred from the structure to your ship hold.
- ER2: The equipment ID to transfer was not supplied.
- ER3: The quantity to transfer from the structure was not supplied.
- ER4: The quantity supplied to transfer is not a valid number.
- ER5: The equipment of the supplied quantity was not found.
- ER6: The current system does not have storage services.
- ER7: The structure ID to transfer from was not supplied.
- ER8: The current ship does not have enough free hold space to transfer the equipment.
- ER9: The equipment was transferred and fitted successfully.
- ER10: Your current ship does not have enough power to fit this equipment.
- ER11: Your internal systems are destroyed, you cannot currently fit equipment.
- ER12: You are not in the same system as the structure.
- ER13: The ship to transfer cargo from is not at the same location.
- ER14: This structure type cannot accept equipment.
- ER15: As an Ensign you cannot transfer cargo.
- ES1: Structure was enabled successfully.
- ES2: Structure ID was not supplied.
- ES3: Structure was not disabled.
- ES4: As an ensign you cannot enable structures.
- ET1: The equipment was successfully stored in the structure.
- ET2: The equipment ID to store was not supplied.
- ET3: The quantity to store was not supplied.
- ET4: The quantity to store was not a valid number.
- ET5: The equipment of the supplied quantity was not found in the current ship hold.
- ET6: The current system does not have storage services.
- ET7: The structure ID to store equipment in was not supplied.
- ET8: The structure does not have enough free space to store the equipment.
- ET9: You are not in the same system as the structure.
- ET10: You cannot store equipment from the Mechanical Fleet in a trading structure.
- ET11: This structure type cannot accept equipment.
- EU1: The equipment port was unfitted and stored successfully.
- EU2: The port ID of the fitted equipment was not supplied.
- EU3: The quantity to unfit was not supplied.
- EU4: The quantity to unfit supplied is not a valid number.
- EU5: The equipment port to unfit could not be found.
- EU6: You do not have enough hold space to unfit and store the equipment port.
- EW1: The weapon part was sold successfully.
- EW2: The system has not yet been discovered by your faction.
- EW3: The weapon part cost cannot be determined.
- EW4: The current system is not currently accepting alien trade.
- EW5: The current system does not have part trading services.
- EW6: You cannot sell weapon parts to your own faction.
- EZ1: All weapons possible were successfully stored in the structure.
- EZ2: The structure ID to store the weapons was not supplied.
- EZ3: The structure of the supplied ID could not be found in the system.
- EZ4: This structure cannot accept weapons.
- F2: No system ID supplied for FTL travel.
- F3: Current ship does not have enough charge to travel this distance.
- F4: System ID is unknown for FTL travel, your faction has yet to discover this system.
- F5: Current ship cannot be determined.
- F6: Cannot FTL to a system you are already in.
- F7: Cannot FTL while busy.
- F8: Cannot engage FTL while user is charting body.
- F9: Cannot engage FTL while user is gathering on body.
- F10: Current ship engines are destroyed, cannot engage FTL.
- F11: Current ship light drive are destroyed, cannot engage FTL.
- F12: Cannot engage FTL while repairing ship.
- F13: Cannot engage FTL while docked.
- F14: Cannot engage FTL, there is an active Null Space Inhibitor in this system owned by a faction you are at war with.
- F15: You cannot use this wormhole until someone in your squad has a B-Chip.
- F16: You need to be in a squad to enter the raid area.
- F17: You require five people in your squad to enter the raid area.
- F18: FTL travel cannot be started in this region type.
- F19: You cannot engage FTL while travelling at sublight, you must stop first.
- F20: Your faction does not have enough credits in the faction treasury to pay the wormhole toll or you do not have enough credits in your account.
- F21: You cannot use the simulation end wormholes until you complete the active job with Rowan.
- FA1: All weapons possible were successfully recovered.
- FA2: No weapons to recover were detected at the current position.
- FA3: You do not have free space to recover adrift weapons.
- FB1: The fabrication process started successfully.
- FB2: The structure ID of the factory to perform fabrication was not supplied.
- FB3: The structure component ID to fabricated was not supplied.
- FB4: Not all consumables required are present in the factory hold.
- FB5: The factory is already performing refinement.
- FB6: The factory is already performing fabrication.
- FB7: The current system does not have faction fabrication services.
- FB8: The structure component of the supplied ID does not exist.
- FB9: As an ensign you can not send command to factories.
- FC1: The Discord link was updated successfully.
- FC2: The Discord link was not supplied.
- FC3: The Discord link is invalid.
- FC4: The Discord link is incorrect.
- FD1: The user was demoted successfully.
- FD2: The user ID to demote was not supplied.
- FD3: The user of the ID supplied is not part of your faction or cannot be found.
- FD4: The user to demote is of the same rank or higher and cannot be demoted.
- FE1: The equipment was successfully fitted.
- FE2: The current system does not have port fitting services.
- FE3: Your ships internal systems are destroyed, you cannot fit ports.
- FE4: The equipment of the supplied ID cannot be found in the hold.
- FE5: The equipment of the ID supplied does not exist.
- FE6: Your ship does not have sufficient available power to fit this port.
- FE7: You not have the quantity of the equipment supplied in your hold.
- FE8: This piece of equipment is not compatible with your ship.
- FF1: The recipe was submitted successfully.
- FF2: The recipe does not have four wildlife parts.
- FF3: You do not have the required skill to craft food or drink items.
- FG1: Organs were harvested successfully.
- FG2: The consumable ID of the biostasis pod was not supplied.
- FG3: The biostasis pod of the supplied ID could not be found.
- FG4: You do not have the required skill to harvest organs.
- FH1: The surveyor was freed successfully.
- FH2: The consumable ID of the pod as not supplied.
- FH3: The consumable of the supplied ID could not be found on your ship.
- FJ1: The farming process was started successfully.
- FJ2: The structure ID was not supplied.
- FJ3: The consumable ID was not supplied.
- FJ4: As an ensign you cannot start farming processes.
- FJ5: The farming structure could not be found.
- FJ6: The consumable to cultivate could not be found at the required amount.
- FJ7: The consumable selected is not suitable for the body type the farm is built upon.
- FJ8: The farm is currently using all of its fields.
- FK1: The user has been successfully kicked from the faction.
- FK2: The user ID to kick was not supplied.
- FK3: The user of the supplied ID is not part of the faction or cannot be found.
- FK4: You cannot kick a user a higher rank than you.
- FK5: You are required to be rank of admiral or founder to kick users.
- FL1: You left your faction successfully.
- FL2: You cannot leave a faction you are the founder of.
- FM1: The faction was successfully renamed.
- FM2: The name to rename the faction was not supplied.
- FM3: A new faction name must be at least 3 characters long and shorter than 64 characters.
- FM4: The new faction name contains blocked words and cannot be used.
- FM5: The new faction name contains blocked words and cannot be used.
- FN1: The wildlife part was added to the recipe successfully.
- FN2: The ID of the wildlife part was not supplied.
- FN3: The wildlife part of the supplied ID cannot be found in your hold.
- FN4: You already have four wildlife parts in your recipe.
- FN5: You cannot add duplicate wildlife parts to the recipe.
- FN6: You can only add wildlife parts to the recipe.
- FO1: Fuel was scooped successfully.
- FO2: The body ID to scoop fuel from was not supplied.
- FO3: The body of the supplied ID could not be found in the current system.
- FO4: You do not have the correct fuel scoop for the body type.
- FP1: The user has been successfully promoted.
- FP2: The user ID to promote was not supplied.
- FP3: The user of the supplied ID does not belong to your faction or cannot be found.
- FP4: The user is of the same rank or higher and cannot be promoted.
- FQ1: The fitted equipment was successfully stored.
- FQ2: The fitted equipment ID to store was not supplied.
- FQ5: The equipment of the supplied ID was not found fitted to the current ship.
- FQ6: The current system does not have storage services.
- FQ7: The structure ID to store the fitted equipment was not found.
- FQ8: The structure to stored the fitted equipment does not have enough free space.
- FQ9: You are not in the same system as the structure.
- FR1: The room was fitted successfully.
- FR2: The current system does not have a ship room fitting service.
- FR3: You have no remaining space to fit rooms.
- FR4: You cannot afford to fit the room.
- FR5: The room is not available to fit.
- FR6: You do not have enough souls to purchase this room.
- FR7: The structure has no available rooms.
- FR8: You are not at the same location as the structure.
- FS1: The fitted weapon was stored successfully.
- FS2: The fitted weapon ID was not supplied.
- FS5: The fitted weapon of the supplied ID was not found fitted to your ship.
- FS6: The current system does not have storage services.
- FS7: The structure ID to store the fitted weapon was not supplied.
- FS8: The structure does not have enough space to store this weapon.
- FS9: You are not in the same system as the structure.
- FT1: The content was saved successfully.
- FT2: The content type was not specified.
- FT3: The heading supplied was not set.
- FT4: The heading must be at least three characters long.
- FT5: The link name was not supplied.
- FT6: The link name must be at least three characters long.
- FT7: The link was not supplied.
- FT8: The link must be at least five characters long.
- FT9: The text content was not supplied.
- FT10: The text content must be at between 16 and 4,096 characters in length.
- FT11: The URL supplied is not valid.
- FT12: You have to be of the faction rank of founder to change content.
- FT13: You are required to be a patron to change content.
- FU1: The suit was forged successfully and added to your inventory.
- FU2: The suit ID to forge was not supplied.
- FU3: You already own the specified suit, you cannot forge another.
- FU4: The current system does not have forge services.
- FU5: You do not have enough credits to forge this suit.
- FU6: You do not have the specified consumable to forge this suit.
- FV1: The wildlife part was removed from the recipe successfully.
- FV2: The wildlife part ID was not supplied.
- FV3: The wildlife part could no longer be found in your hold.
- FV4: The wildlife part of the supplied ID was not found in the recipe.
- FW1: The weapon has been fitted successfully.
- FW2: The current systems does not have port fitting services.
- FW3: The internal systems on your ship are destroyed.
- FW4: The weapon of the supplied ID cannot be found in your hold.
- FW5: The weapon of the supplied ID does not exist.
- FW6: Your ship does not have sufficient available energy to fit this port.
- FW7: This weapon is not compatible with your current ship.
- FX1: The content was moved successfully.
- FX2: The ID of the content was not supplied.
- FX3: The direction to move the content was not supplied.
- FX4: The direction supplied is invalid.
- FX5: You require the faction role of founder to move content.
- FX6: You are required to be a patron to move content.
- FX7: The content of the supplied ID could not be found.
- FY1: The faction biography was updated successfully.
- FY2: The new faction biography was not supplied.
- FY3: The faction biography must be at least three characters long.
- FY4: The faction biography contains blocked language and cannot be used.
- FY5: The faction biography contains blocked names and cannot be used.
- FZ1: The content was deleted successfully.
- FZ2: The ID of the content to delete was not supplied.
- FZ3: You need to be of the faction role founder to delete content.
- FZ4: You need to be a patron to delete content.
- FZ5: The content of the supplied ID could not be found.
- G1: Gathering has started successfully.
- G2: A body ID was not supplied for gathering.
- G3: The user is not currently in the system.
- G4: The body cannot be found for gathering.
- G5: The body has yet to be charted for gathering.
- G6: This body cannot be gathered upon.
- G7: The user is already gathering.
- G8: Cannot start gathering while docked.
- G9: You cannot start gathering as you have no free hold space.
- G10: The body has no remaining abundant consumables.
- G11: You cannot gather in this system as the faction which owns the system has disallowed landing, your rank of ensign prohibits causing relational damages.
- G12: You cannot gather on a planet in a ship that cannot land.
- G13: You cannot gather on this planet as the body has a planetary shield.
- GB1: The consumable was removed from your inventory successfully.
- GC1: The tag was applied successfully.
- GC2: The ID of the cargo to tag was not supplied.
- GC3: The tag to apply was not supplied.
- GC4: The structure ID was not supplied.
- GC5: The cargo to tag could not be found.
- GE1: The passenger was embarked successfully.
- GE2: The passenger ID to embark was not supplied.
- GE3: The passenger of this ID could not be found in this system.
- GE4: You do not have enough accommodation available to embark more passengers.
- GF1: The colony focus was updated successfully.
- GF2: The structure ID of the colony was not supplied.
- GF3: Not all of the focus values were provided.
- GF4: Only the faction Founder can change the focus of a colony.
- GF5: The colony focus values are above 100 or below 0 combined.
- GF6: You can only change the focus of a faction colony structure.
- GN1: The consumable was added to your inventory successfully.
- GN2: The consumable of the supplied ID could not be found.
- GN3: You do not have enough inventory slots to equip this consumable.
- GN4: The consumable cannot be found in your ships hold.
- GR1: The personal weapon was unequipped successfully.
- GS1: The ship was gifted successfully.
- GS2: The ship ID of the ship to gift was not supplied.
- GS3: The faction user ID to gift the ship to was not supplied.
- GS4: The ship of the supplied ID could not be found.
- GS5: The user of the supplied ID could not be found in your faction.
- GT1: The colonists were settled successfully.
- GT2: The quantity of colonists to settle was not supplied.
- GT3: The quantity provided is not valid.
- GT4: You are not in orbit of a colony structure.
- GT5: The quantity provided of colonists could not be located onboard your ship.
- GT6: You are not part of the Starfarers guild.
- GW1: The personal weapon was added to the inventory successfully.
- GW2: The personal weapon of the supplied ID could not be found.
- GW3: You do not have enough free inventory slots to equip this personal weapon.
- H1: The chat message was posted successfully.
- H2: The chat message was empty and not posted.
- H3: The chat message contained blocked words and was not sent.
- H4: You are not currently in a system, you cannot send a system chat message.
- H5: You are sending messages too quickly.
- H6: The category ID to spot was not supplied.
- H7: The category ID to spot was not supplied.
- H8: The category ID supplied to spot is not valid.
- H9: No adrift cargo was found at this position to spot.
- HA1: Hacking started successfully.
- HA2: You are already hacking.
- HA3: Your ship does not have a hacking module fitted.
- HA4: The system does not contain a treasury you can hack.
- HA5: You cannot hack the treasury of a faction you are allied with.
- HA6: The body is cloaked, hacking cannot start.
- HA7: The current region prevents hacking from starting.
- HC1: The crew member has been hired.
- HC2: The current system does not have crew hiring services.
- HC3: The crew member cannot be found at the outpost.
- HC4: You do not have enough credits to hire this crew member.
- HC5: You already have 16 crew members, you cannot hire more.
- HC6: The current system does not support alien trade.
- HC7: The current system disallows clones.
- HC8: The current system disallows androids.
- HC9: The current system disallows humans.
- HG1: The combat challenge was started successfully.
- HG2: The combat challenge has not yet been created for this week.
- HG3: The combat challenge could not be started.
- HL1: The ship sale availability was toggled successfully.
- HL2: The ship type ID to toggle availability was not supplied.
- HL3: The ship type ID to toggle availability could not be found.
- HL4: Legendary ships cannot be placed on general sale.
- HM1: The ship was renamed successfully.
- HM2: The ship ID to rename was not supplied.
- HM3: The new name for the ship was not supplied.
- HM4: The ship name must be between 3 and 64 characters in length.
- HM5: The ship of the supplied ID could not be found.
- HM6: The ship name contains swearing and cannot be used.
- HM7: The ship name contains blocked terms and cannot be used.
- HM8: A ship name can only contain letters, numbers and spaces.
- HN1: Hunting was started successfully.
- HN2: The body ID to hunt upon was not supplied.
- HN3: You are not currently in a system to start hunting.
- HN4: Could not locate the body of the supplied ID in the current system.
- HN5: The body has not yet been charted.
- HN6: The body of the supplied ID cannot be landed upon.
- HN7: You cannot start hunting while docked within another ship.
- HN8: Your ship cannot land to begin hunting.
- HN9: This feature is not yet available to all players.
- HN10: You must have at least one personal weapon equipped to begin hunting.
- HN11: No abundant wildlife has been found while charting on this planet.
- HN12: You cannot hunt on this planet as there is a planetary shield online.
- HP1: The ship parts were consumed but a recipe was not found.
- HP2: Not all of the ship part IDs were supplied.
- HP3: The current system does not have faction ship crafting services.
- HP4: The shipwright structure does not have the supplied parts.
- HP7: The ship recipe has already been discovered.
- HP8: A new ship recipe has been discovered.
- HP9: You do not have enough ship research centres online to attempt craft new ship lines.
- HR1: The technology has been unlocked successfully.
- HR2: The technology ID to unlock was not supplied.
- HR3: Your faction does not have enough points to unlock technology.
- HR4: The technology of the supplied type could not be found.
- HR5: Only the faction founder can unlock technology.
- HR6: The research selected has already been unlocked by the faction.
- HR7: Your faction doesn't have enough credits in the treasury to unlock this research.
- HS1: Hacking was stopped successfully.
- HS2: You are not currently hacking.
- HU1: Profile updates were saved successfully.
- HU2: No text was provided.
- HU3: The category was not provided.
- HU4: The category must either be 1 for biography or 2 for history.
- HU5: The text contains blocked words and cannot be used.
- HU6: The text contains blocked words and cannot be used.
- HW1: The wildlife was homed successfully.
- HW2: The wildlife ID was not supplied.
- HW3: The wildlife of the supplied ID could not be found in a pen onboard your current ship.
- HW4: There is not a suitable reserve on the planet of your current orbit that meets the planet type the wildlife requires.
- I1: The inbox message was sent successfully.
- I2: The message to send was not supplied.
- I3: The user ID to send the message to was not supplied.
- I4: The message could not be sent, try rephrasing it.
- IA1: You invested successfully.
- IA2: The investment ID was not provided.
- IA3: There are no remaining investments slots for the investment.
- IA4: Your faction has already invested in this investment.
- IA5: You do not have enough B-Chips for this investment.
- IC1: Interactive charting stopped successfully, returning to automatic mode.
- IM1: The asteroid site was mined successfully.
- IM2: The asteroid ID was not supplied.
- IM3: The map ID was not supplied.
- IM4: You do not have the required Impact Mining skill.
- IM5: The map ID to drill is out of bounds.
- IM6: The map position has already been mined.
- IS1: Meditation stopped successfully.
- IS2: Meditation could not be stopped.
- J1: The request to join was sent successfully.
- J2: The faction ID to request to join was not supplied.
- J3: The faction of the ID supplied cannot be found.
- J4: You cannot join another faction for 30 days.
- JA1: The user has been accepted into the faction successfully.
- JA2: The user ID for accepting was not supplied.
- JA3: The user of the supplied ID cannot be found.
- JA4: You do not have the required role to accept users into the faction.
- JC1: All consumables were successfully eject.
- JD1: The job step was completed successfully.
- JD2: The character ID was not supplied.
- JD3: A current job could not be found for the character ID provided.
- JD4: You do not have the required item or item amount to continue.
- JD5: You are not at the correct location.
- JD6: You have no yet rescued the specified entity.
- JD7: You have not completed the job step.
- JE1: All equipment was ejected successfully.
- JG1: The guild was joined successfully.
- JG2: The guild ID to join was not supplied.
- JG3: A guild of the supplied ID could not be found.
- JG4: You are already part of this guild.
- JG5: You do not have enough B-Chips to join a guild. One B-Chip is required.
- JJ1: The job was rejected successfully.
- JJ2: The character ID was not supplied.
- JJ3: You have no available jobs with the character of the ID supplied.
- JM1: The mission was rejected or abandoned successfully.
- JM2: The mission could not be found.
- JM3: You do not have enough credits to reject this mission.
- JN1: All weapon parts were ejected successfully.
- JR1: The user has been rejected from joining the faction successfully.
- JR2: The user ID to reject was not supplied.
- JR3: The user of the supplied ID could not be found.
- JR4: You do not have the required role to reject users from joining the faction.
- JS1: The ship was ejected successfully.
- JS2: The ship ID to eject was not supplied.
- JS3: The ship of the supplied ID could not be found.
- JW1: The wildlife was ejected successfully.
- JW2: The wildlife ID to eject was not supplied.
- JW3: The wildlife of the supplied ID could not be found in a pen onboard your current ship.
- KE1: The equipment was stocked successfully.
- KE2: The equipment of the supplied ID has yet to be discovered.
- KE3: The structure does not have enough space to stock the equipment.
- KE4: The faction treasury does not have enough credits to pay for the stock.
- KE5: You must be of faction role captain or above to instruct the stock of equipment.
- KS1: You docked with the ship successfully.
- KS2: The ship ID to dock with was not supplied.
- KS3: The ship does not belong to your faction.
- KS4: You cannot dock with your own ship.
- KS5: You cannot dock while performing another activity.
- KS6: The target ship does not have any free bays.
- KS7: Your current ship cannot dock in ship bays.
- KS8: You have successfully docked and switched ship.
- KT1: You successfully docked with the structure.
- KT2: The structure ID to dock with was not supplied.
- KT3: Your current ship is not capable of docking inside of a structure.
- KT4: The structure has no free bays.
- KT5: The structure does not belong to your faction, you cannot dock with it.
- KU1: The skill was realised successfully.
- KU2: The skill ID to realise was not supplied.
- KU3: The skill ID to realise is not valid.
- KU4: You do not have enough points to realise this skill.
- KU5: You have already realised this skill.
- KU6: The personality factor is not within range of the skill.
- KW1: The weapons were added to stock successfully.
- KW2: The weapons to stock could not be found in faction research.
- KW3: The structure does not have enough space to stock these weapons.
- KW4: The faction treasury does not have enough credits to pay for this stock.
- KW5: You need to be of captain rank or higher to order stock.
- L1: Refuelling was completed successfully.
- L2: The quantity to refuel was not supplied.
- L3: The quantity to refuel is not a valid number.
- L4: The current system does not have ship refuelling services, or no fuel is remaining.
- L5: The current ship already has maximum fuel.
- L6: The quantity supplied is greater than the remaining fuel capacity.
- L7: You cannot afford this much fuel.
- L8: A trading role ship cannot purchase fuel from another trading role ship.
- LA1: The ammo was loaded successfully.
- LA2: The weapon port ID was not provided.
- LA3: The supplied ammo could not be found in your hold.
- LA4: The ammo ID supplied is invalid.
- LA5: Only Warmongers can fit ammo to weapon ports.
- LC1: Charting status was successfully returned.
- LC2: The body ID to lookup charting status was not supplied.
- LE1: The equipment recipe was loaded successfully.
- LE2: The equipment ID to load the recipe for was not supplied.
- LE3: The structure ID was not supplied.
- LE4: This equipment recipe has yet to be discovered by your faction.
- LE5: Not all equipment parts are available in the structure hold.
- LG1: You left the guild successfully.
- LG2: You are not currently in a guild.
- LH1: The ship recipe was loaded successfully.
- LH2: The ship ID was not supplied.
- LH3: The structure ID was not supplied.
- LH4: The ship line has yet to be discovered by your faction.
- LH5: The recipe does not have four ship parts.
- LL1: All consumables possible were sold.
- LL2: The current system does not have consumable trading services.
- LL3: The structure has no free space to accept consumables.
- LL4: You cannot sell consumables to your own faction structure.
- LL5: The current system does not allow alien trade.
- LM1: The matrix casino game was played successfully.
- LM2: A colour or number must be provided.
- LM3: You do not have enough credits to play the matrix casino game, you require 1,000 credits.
- LM4: The colour provided is invalid.
- LM5: The number provided is invalid.
- LM6: You do not have enough gold to play a game.
- LM7: You do not have enough souls to player a game.
- LN1: The weapon recipe was loaded successfully.
- LN2: The weapon ID was not supplied.
- LN3: The structure ID was not supplied.
- LN4: The weapon line has yet to be discovered.
- LN5: Not all of the weapon parts were found in the structure.
- LP1: The personality split was successful.
- LP2: The factor ID to split was not supplied.
- LP3: You do not have the correct skill to perform a personality split.
- LP4: You need to have at least two points to perform a split.
- LQ1: The equipment line was unlocked successfully.
- LQ2: The equipment line to unlock was not supplied.
- LQ3: Your faction does not have enough research points to unlock this equipment line.
- LQ4: You do not have the required faction role to perform this action.
- LQ5: This equipment line has already been unlocked.
- LS1: The ship line has been successfully unlocked.
- LS2: The ship line ID to unlock was not supplied.
- LS3: Your faction does not have enough research points to unlock this ship line.
- LS4: You do not have a high enough faction rank to perform this action.
- LS5: This ship line has already been unlocked.
- LT1: You played the lottery successfully.
- LT2: You do not have enough credits to play the lottery.
- LT3: You have already played the lottery for this week.
- LT4: The number supplied for the lottery is invalid.
- LW1: The weapon line has been unlocked for the faction.
- LW2: The weapon line ID to unlock was not supplied.
- LW3: You do not have research points to unlock new weapon lines.
- LW4: You do not have a high enough faction rank to perform this action.
- LW5: The weapon line has already been unlocked.
- M1: Mining started successfully.
- M2: Body for mining was not supplied.
- M3: Commodity for mining was not supplied.
- M4: Not currently in a system to mine.
- M5: Not currently in system with selected body.
- M6: Body selected for mining does not have the selected commodity.
- M7: Hold is full.
- M8: Cannot stop mining as mining is not underway.
- M9: Cannot mine while docked.
- M10: You cannot mine in this system as the faction which owns the system has disallowed mining, your rank of ensign prohibits causing relational damages.
- M11: You require a level 10 mining beam or an exotic mining beam to mine exotic matter.
- MA1: All commodities possible were recovered.
- MA2: No commodities were found adrift at the current location.
- MA3: You do not have any free hold space to recover commodities.
- MC1: The weapon was removed the recipe successfully.
- MC2: The weapon ID to remove was not supplied.
- MC3: The weapon of the supplied ID could not be found in your hold.
- MC4: The weapon of the supplied ID could not be found in the recipe.
- MD1: Meditation started successfully.
- MD2: The factor ID was not supplied.
- MD3: The factor direction was not supplied.
- MD4: You cannot start a new meditation while already meditating.
- MD5: The factor direction supplied is invalid.
- MD6: A faction temple could not be found in the system.
- MD7: The factor of the supplied ID could not be found.
- MD8: Androids cannot partake in meditation.
- ME1: The equipment parts were merged successfully.
- ME2: The equipment part ID to merge was not supplied.
- ME3: The equipment parts could not be found on your ship.
- ME4: You do not have the required skill to merge parts.
- MF1: Mech fitted successfully.
- MF2: The mech of the supplied ID could not be found.
- MF3: You cannot use a mech while not part of the Starfarers guild.
- MG1: The away team was dispatched successfully.
- MG2: The away mission ID was not supplied.
- MG3: You have not assigned the required crew.
- MG4: Not all of the crew of are the correct role.
- MG5: The crew assigned cannot be found and maybe away.
- MG6: The mission has expired.
- MM1: The weapon was added successfully to the recipe.
- MM2: The weapon ID to add was not supplied.
- MM3: The weapon of the supplied ID could not be found in your hold.
- MM4: The current recipe already has 4 weapons added.
- MM5: You cannot add duplicate weapons to the same recipe.
- MN1: The ship was summoned successfully.
- MN2: The ship ID to summon was not supplied.
- MN3: The parked ship of the supplied ID could not be found.
- MN4: The parked ship is already at your current location.
- MO1: The card was removed from the recipe successfully.
- MO2: The card ID to remove was not supplied.
- MO3: The card of the supplied ID could not be found.
- MO4: The card of the supplied ID could not be found in the recipe.
- MR1: Message was marked as read.
- MR2: Message was not marked as read.
- MS1: Data Mining was stopped successfully.
- MS2: You are not currently Data Mining.
- MT1: Data Mining was started successfully.
- MT2: You are already Data Mining.
- MT3: You do not have the required skill to Data Mine.
- MT4: There is not valid Data Hub in the system to start Data Mining.
- MT5: The credits in this system have been exhausted for Data Mining.
- MU1: The recipe was submitted successfully.
- MU2: The recipe does not contain 4 weapons.
- MU3: You do not have the required skill to perform this activity.
- MW1: The weapon parts were merged successfully.
- MW2: The weapon part ID was not supplied.
- MW3: The weapon parts could not be found in your hold.
- MW4: You do not have the required skill to merge parts.
- N1: The refinement process started successfully.
- N2: The commodity ID to refine was not supplied.
- N3: The structure ID of the factory was not supplied.
- N4: The factory requires at least 100 Mgs of the supplied commodity to begin refining.
- N5: The factory supplied is already working on refinement.
- N6: The current system does not have faction refine services. This could be due to power outages.
- N7: The factory does not have enough space to start the refinement process.
- N8: The commodity currently has no refinement process.
- N9: The commodity cannot be determined.
- N10: Fabrication is currently in process by this structure.
- N11: As an ensign you can not send command to factories.
- NA1: All consumables possible were successfully recovered.
- NA2: No consumables were found adrift at the current location.
- NA3: You have no free space to recover consumables.
- NC1: The combat sim was started successfully.
- NC2: The combat sim ID was not supplied.
- NC3: You cannot start a combat sim while already in combat.
- NC4: The combat sim ID is not recognised.
- ND1: The consumable was unplayed successfully.
- NE1: The hero was enlisted into your crew successfully.
- NE2: The hero ID was not supplied.
- NE3: The colony ID was not supplied.
- NE4: You do not have a sufficient faction role to enlist a hero.
- NE5: You already own 16 crew and cannot enlist the hero.
- NE6: The hero of the supplied ID could not be found.
- NF1: The companion was renamed successfully.
- NF2: The name for the companion was not provided.
- NF3: The name of the companion must be longer than 3 characters and less than 64 characters.
- NF4: The companion of the supplied ID could not be found.
- NF5: The companion name has blocked words and cannot be used.
- NF6: The companion name has blocked words and cannot be used.
- NF7: The companion name can only contain letters, numbers and spaces.
- NH1: The ship was enlisted successfully.
- NH2: The ship type ID or parked ship ID was not supplied.
- NH3: The colony ID was not supplied.
- NH4: You do not have the sufficient faction rank to enlist ships.
- NH5: The ship type ID is invalid.
- NH6: The parked ship could not be found in the system.
- NH7: The colony does not have a higher enough population to enlist this ship type.
- NI1: Ship refining started successfully.
- NI2: The commodity ID was not supplied.
- NI3: The commodity of the required amount could not be found in your hold.
- NI4: You are already refining commodities onboard your ship.
- NI5: The commodity could not refined.
- NI6: The commodity could not refined.
- NI7: You can only refine commodities on a ship while in the mining guild.
- NL1: The slots were played successfully.
- NL2: You do not have enough money to play slots.
- NL3: The current system does not have amenity services.
- NL4: You do not have enough Pure Gold in your hold to play slots.
- NL5: You have no free space to play slots for gold.
- NL6: You do not have enough souls to play slots.
- NO1: Stopped refining on your ship successfully.
- NO2: No refining to stop.
- NP1: The consumable was marked as play successfully.
- NP2: The consumable ID to play was not supplied.
- NP3: The consumable of the supplied ID could not be found in your hold.
- NQ1: The equipment was fitted to the wildlife successfully.
- NQ2: The equipment ID was not supplied.
- NQ3: The companion ID was not supplied.
- NQ4: The equipment ID is invalid.
- NQ5: The companion cannot support this equipment.
- NR1: Season rewards granted successfully.
- NR2: The level to grant rewards for was not supplied.
- NR3: You do not have enough season points to claim this reward.
- NR4: You must claim previous levels before claiming rewards for this level.
- NS1: The factory has stopped.
- NS2: The structure ID of the factory was not supplied.
- NS3: The factory does not need to stop it was not in the process of refining.
- NU1: The new user is valid.
- NU2: The user name was not supplied.
- NU3: The chosen race was not supplied.
- NU4: The chosen gender was not supplied.
- NU5: The chosen ancestry was not supplied.
- NU6: The chosen user name is longer than 64 characters.
- NU7: The user email was not supplied.
- NU8: This email address is already in use.
- NU9: The email address is not valid.
- NU10: The ancestry body does not exist.
- NU11: User name contains profanity.
- NU12: User name contains a blocked word.
- NU13: The user name should only contain letters and spaces.
- NW1: The war was ended successfully.
- NW2: The faction ID to end war with was not supplied.
- NW3: The faction ID supplied is not valid.
- NW4: Only the founder can end a war with another faction.
- NW5: There is no war declared between your faction and the faction of the ID supplied.
- NW6: There is no war declared between your faction and the faction of the ID supplied.
- NY1: The status of the companion was set successfully.
- NY2: The away status to set was not provided.
- NY3: The companion ID was not supplied.
- NY4: The companion of the supplied ID could not be found.
- O1: Orbit has been successfully changed.
- O2: The body ID for the body to orbit was not supplied.
- O3: You are not currently in a system to plot an orbit.
- O4: The body of the supplied ID cannot be found.
- O5: Cannot change orbit while docked.
- OA1: The order was issued successfully.
- OA2: The ship ID to give an order to was not supplied.
- OA3: The order ID to issue was not supplied.
- OA4: The order key to issue was not supplied.
- OA5: The enlisted ship for the supplied ID could not be found.
- OA6: As an ensign of your faction you cannot issue orders.
- OA7: The order ID supplied is invalid.
- OA8: The supplied key for the order is invalid.
- OA9: The enlisted ships engines have been destroyed, it cannot currently complete orders.
- OA10: The ship is in combat and cannot accept orders at this time.
- OB1: Overboost was successful.
- OB2: Only the Viper class of ship can perform the overboost function.
- OB3: You need at least 10 LYs of fuel to perform an overboost.
- OC1: You cleared the orders for the ship successfully.
- OC2: You did not supply the ID of the ship to clear orders for.
- OC3: The ship of the supplied ID could not be found.
- OC4: As an ensign in your faction you cannot clear orders.
- OD1: The direct order was issued successfully.
- OD2: The ID of the enlisted ship was not supplied.
- OD3: The order ID was not supplied.
- OD4: You cannot give dirt orders with the rank of Ensign in your faction.
- OD5: You cannot give direct orders to ships outside of your faction.
- OD6: The order of the supplied ID was not recognised.
- OD7: The enlisted ship is not currently at a location it can perform the order.
- OM1: The body was renamed successfully.
- OM2: The body ID to rename was not supplied.
- OM3: The custom name for the body was not supplied.
- OM4: The custom body name must be between 3 and 64 characters in length.
- OM5: You cannot name bodies in systems your faction does not own.
- OM6: The custom name contains swearing and cannot be used.
- OM7: The custom name contains blocked terms and cannot be used.
- OP1: The system Overseer was changed successfully.
- OP2: The system ID was not supplied.
- OP3: Only the faction founder can assign system Overseers.
- OP4: The system is not owned by your faction.
- OP5: The user of the supplied ID is not in your faction.
- OS1: The ship was stowed successfully.
- OS2: The ship ID to stow was not supplied.
- OS3: The parked ship of the supplied ID was not found at the current position.
- OS4: You cannot stow a ship you are already in command of.
- OS5: You cannot stow a ship while you are not idle.
- OS6: Your current ship does not have enough free bays to stow this ship.
- OV1: The engines of your ship were overloaded successfully.
- OV2: You already have an engine overload in progress.
- OV3: Your engines are too damaged to perform an engine overload.
- OW1: The war was ended successfully.
- OW2: The faction ID to end the war with is invalid.
- OW3: The faction ID to end the war with is not valid.
- OW4: Only the faction founder can end a war.
- OW5: Your faction is not currently at war with the specified faction.
- OW6: Your faction did not declare the war and therefore cannot end it.
- P1: The credits were provided successfully.
- P2: The supplied amount of credits is not a valid number.
- P3: The current system does not have the faction treasury service.
- P4: You do not have enough credits to provide this amount.
- PA1: The alliance was proposed successfully.
- PA2: The faction ID to propose an alliance to was not supplied.
- PA3: The faction ID for alliance proposal is not valid.
- PA4: Only the faction founder can propose an alliance.
- PA5: An alliance is already in place with the target faction.
- PA6: You cannot propose an alliance with a faction you are at war with.
- PA7: You must have positive karma with a faction to propose an alliance.
- PA8: An alliance has been proposed already but has not been accepted.
- PC1: The alliance proposal was accepted successfully.
- PC2: The faction ID can no longer be found.
- PC3: The faction ID is not a valid number.
- PC4: Only the faction founder can accept alliance proposals.
- PC5: The alliance proposal can no longer be found.
- PC6: The alliance proposal is no longer valid.
- PE1: The weapon was successfully ejected.
- PE2: The weapon ID to eject was not supplied.
- PE3: The quantity to eject was not supplied.
- PE4: The quantity supplied to eject was not a valid number.
- PE5: The weapons of supplied quantity was not found in the current ship hold.
- PM1: The profit margin was set successfully.
- PM2: The profit margin to set was not supplied.
- PM3: The profit margin is beyond your current skill level.
- PR1: The alliance proposal was successfully rejected.
- PR2: The faction ID is not valid.
- PR3: The faction ID is no longer valid.
- PR4: Only the faction founder can reject alliance proposal.
- PR5: An active alliance is already in place.
- PR6: Your faction is now at war and cannot accept the proposal.
- PS1: Entry sound was set successfully.
- PS2: The entry sound to set was not supplied.
- PS3: Only patrons can set entry sounds.
- PT1: The weapon part was stored in the structure successfully.
- PT2: The weapon part ID was not supplied.
- PT3: The quantity to store was not supplied.
- PT4: The quantity supplied is not a valid number.
- PT5: The weapon part of the supplied quantity was not found in the current ship hold.
- PT6: The current system does not have storage services.
- PT7: The structure ID was not supplied.
- PT8: The structure does not have enough space to store the weapon part.
- PT9: You are not in the same system as the structure.
- PT10: This structure cannot accept weapon parts.
- PW1: The ship part has been sold successfully.
- PW2: The current system has not yet been discovered by your faction.
- PW3: The price for the ship part cannot be determined.
- PW4: The current system is not accepting alien trade.
- PW5: The current system does not have part trading services.
- PW6: You cannot sell ship parts to your own faction.
- Q1: The squad message was sent successfully.
- Q2: The squad message to send was empty.
- Q3: The squad message contains blocked words and cannot be sent.
- Q5: You are sending squad messages too quickly.
- Q6: You are not part of a squad to send a message.
- QA1: All equipment possible was recovered.
- QA2: No adrift equipment was detected to recover.
- QA3: You do not have free space to recover equipment.
- QB1: The trade request was cleared successfully.
- QB2: No trade request could be found to clear.
- QC1: Cargo was added to the trade request successfully.
- QC2: The category ID of cargo to add was not supplied.
- QC3: The ID as to whether this is offering or requesting was not supplied.
- QC4: The ID of the cargo to add was not supplied.
- QC5: The cargo category ID supplied is invalid.
- QC6: The cargo of the specified ID could not be found in any Outpost.
- QD1: The cargo was removed from the trade request successfully.
- QD2: The category ID of the cargo to remove was not supplied.
- QD3: The direction ID was not supplied.
- QD4: The ID of the cargo to remove was not supplied.
- QD5: The category ID of the cargo supplied is invalid.
- QD6: The cargo of the supplied ID could not be found in the request.
- QD7: The direction ID supplied is invalid, it should be 1 for offering and 2 for requesting.
- QD8: An active trade request could not be found.
- QE1: The equipment part has been successfully ejected.
- QE2: The equipment part ID to eject was not supplied.
- QE3: The quantity to eject was not supplied.
- QE4: The quantity supplied is not a valid number.
- QE5: The equipment at the supplied quantity was not found in the current ship hold.
- QJ1: The squad was joined successfully.
- QJ2: The squad could not be found.
- QJ3: The squad already has five members.
- QK1: You have successfully kicked the person from the squad.
- QK2: You are not in a squad or are not the squad leader.
- QK3: The user of the supplied ID cannot be found in the squad.
- QL1: Delivery of the trade request was successful.
- QL2: The ID of the trade request was not supplied.
- QL3: The trade request is still out for delivery and cannot be accepted at this time.
- QL4: You have already accepted your part of this trade request.
- QL5: You have already accepted your part of this trade request.
- QP1: All equipment parts were successfully ejected.
- QQ1: Quantum Recall was successful.
- QQ2: The system ID to Quantum Recall to was not supplied.
- QQ3: You cannot Quantum Recall to a system you are already in.
- QQ4: The system of the supplied ID could not be found.
- QQ5: You cannot Quantum Recall while in combat.
- QQ6: You cannot Quantum Recall while docked.
- QQ7: You do not have a Quantum Overcharger fitted.
- QQ8: The faction of the supplied ID has not been discovered by your faction.
- QQ9: The destination system does not have a Spatial Filament.
- QR1: The squad was created successfully.
- QR2: The privacy setting for the squad was not supplied.
- QR3: The name for the squad was not supplied.
- QR4: The name for the squad must be at least three characters long.
- QR5: The squad name contains a blocked word and cannot be used.
- QR6: The squad brief contains a blocked word and cannot be used.
- QR7: The squad brief contains a blocked word and cannot be used.
- QR8: You are already in squad.
- QS1: The equipment part was successfully stored in the structure.
- QS2: The equipment part ID was not supplied.
- QS3: The quantity of equipment parts was not supplied.
- QS4: The quantity supplied is not a valid number.
- QS5: The equipment parts of the supplied quantity were not found in the current ship hold.
- QS6: The current system does not have storage services.
- QS7: The structure ID to store equipment parts was not supplied.
- QS8: The structure does not have enough free space to store the equipment parts.
- QS9: You are not in the same system as the structure.
- QS10: This structure type cannot accept equipment parts.
- QT1: The equipment part has been transferred from the structure to your hold successfully.
- QT2: The equipment part ID was not supplied.
- QT3: The quantity of equipment parts to transfer was not supplied.
- QT4: The quantity supplied is not a valid number.
- QT5: The equipment parts at the supplied quantity were not found in the current ship hold.
- QT6: The current system does not have storage services.
- QT7: The structure ID to transfer equipment parts from was not supplied.
- QT8: Your current ship hold does not have enough space to transfer the equipment parts.
- QT9: You are not in the same system as the structure.
- QT10: The ship to transfer cargo from is not at the same location.
- QT11: This structure type cannot accept equipment parts.
- QT12: As an Ensign you cannot transfer cargo.
- QU1: The trade request was published successfully.
- QU2: Not all of the cargo in the offer could be found in Outpost holds.
- QU3: You already have a published trade request, you cannot create another.
- QU4: The structure ID of the structure to store the delivered cargo in was not supplied.
- QV1: The trade request was accepted successfully.
- QV2: The trade request ID was not supplied.
- QV3: The trade request of the supplied ID could not be found.
- QV4: The cargo request in the amounts request could not be found in faction Outposts.
- QW1: Companion was released successfully.
- QW2: The ID of the companion was not provided.
- QW3: The companion of the supplied ID could not be found.
- QW4: You cannot release a companion to a planet type which is not their natural habitat.
- QX1: The trade request was unpublished successfully.
- QX2: You don't currently have a published trade request.
- QX3: The trade request has already been accepted and cannot be unpublished.
- R1: The research was started successfully.
- R2: Your faction current has no research centres to undertake research.
- R3: Your faction does not have a treasury to start research.
- R4: Your faction does not have enough credits in the treasury to start the research.
- R5: You have reached the maximum research level.
- R6: Your faction already has research in progress.
- RA1: The crew member was assign command of the ship successfully.
- RA2: The crew ID of the crew member to assign was not supplied.
- RA3: The ship ID for the crew to command was not supplied.
- RA4: The command crew member of the supplied ID could not be found.
- RA5: The command crew member does not have a high enough level to take command of the ship.
- RA6: The parked ship of the supplied ID could not be found.
- RA7: Only human crew members can command this type of ship.
- RB1: The rebirth was successful.
- RB2: The ship ID to rebirth in was not supplied.
- RB3: A ship of the supplied ID cannot be found.
- RB4: You cannot rebirth in a ship you are already in command of.
- RB5: You are currently engaged in an activity and cannot rebirth.
- RB6: You do not have enough crew to command the remote ship.
- RB7: You do not meet the skill requirements to command the supplied ship.
- RB8: Your current ship does not have a Conduit Womb fitted.
- RB9: The remote ship does not have a Conduit Womb fitted.
- RB10: You do not have the rebirth skill.
- RC1: The crew member was received successfully.
- RC2: The ship ID was not supplied.
- RC3: The ship of the supplied ID could not be found.
- RC4: The ship is currently in combat and cannot be relieved.
- RD1: The card was successfully marked as discard.
- RD2: The card ID to mark for discard was not supplied.
- RD3: The card to discard was not found in your hand.
- RE1: The equipment part was added to the recipe successfully.
- RE2: The equipment part was not supplied.
- RE3: The current system does not have faction port crafting services.
- RE5: The recipe already has 4 parts, no more parts can be added.
- RE6: The structure ID was not supplied.
- RE7: This equipment part is already in the recipe.
- RF1: The room was fitted successfully.
- RF2: The current system does not have ship repair services to fit a new room.
- RF3: The room ID supplied is not valid.
- RF4: You do not have enough credits to purchase this room.
- RF5: You have no available space to fit a new room.
- RF6: The current system is not allowing alien trade.
- RF7: You already have a room of this type fitted.
- RG1: Rule was successfully applied to all faction systems.
- RG2: The rule ID to set was not supplied.
- RG3: The rule ID supplied is invalid.
- RG4: Only the faction founder can set faction wide rules.
- RH1: The ship part was added to the recipe successfully.
- RH2: The ship part ID was not supplied.
- RH3: The current systems does not have ship crafting services.
- RH4: The ship part could not be found in the structures hold.
- RH5: The ship recipe already contains four parts.
- RH6: The structure ID was not supplied.
- RH7: This ship part is already in the recipe.
- RL1: The crew member was relocated successfully.
- RL2: The crew ID was not supplied.
- RL3: The outpost does not belong to your faction or the crew member has already left.
- RL4: You do not have the sufficient faction rank to relocate crew members.
- RL5: The crew member can no longer be found.
- RL6: You do not have enough credits to relocate this crew member.
- RM1: The room was removed successfully.
- RM2: The room ID to remove was not supplied.
- RM3: The room of the supplied ID could not be found fitted to the current ship.
- RM4: The structure cannot be found or is a personal structure that does not belong to you.
- RM5: The room of the supplied ID could not be found fitted in the structure.
- RN1: The card was unplayed successfully.
- RN2: The card ID to unplayable was not supplied.
- RN3: The card of the supplied ID could not be found in your hand.
- RO1: The card was added to the recipe successfully.
- RO2: The card ID to add was not supplied.
- RO3: This card is already in use and has no surplus.
- RO4: Your current card recipe is full.
- RO5: The card of the supplied ID is already in the recipe.
- RP1: The card was played successfully.
- RP2: The card ID to play was not supplied.
- RP3: The card to play is not currently in your hand.
- RQ1: Repaired equipment port successfully.
- RQ2: The current system does not have ship repair services.
- RQ3: The port ID of the equipment to repair was not supplied.
- RQ4: You do not have enough credits to pay for the repair.
- RQ5: The equipment port could not be found.
- RQ6: Exotic equipment cannot be repaired.
- RR1: The room has been removed.
- RR2: The current system does not have ship repair services to remove the room.
- RR3: The room cannot be found on the current ship.
- RS1: Ship repair started successfully.
- RS2: The current ship does not need repairs to hull or internal systems.
- RS3: Cannot repair ship while mining.
- RS4: Cannot repair ships while in sub-light travel.
- RS5: Cannot repair ship while charting.
- RS6: Cannot repair ship while gathering.
- RS7: Cannot stop repairing as the user is not currently repairing.
- RS8: Stopped repairing ship successfully.
- RS9: Cannot start repairing while docked.
- RT1: The ship part was transferred from the structure to the ship successfully.
- RT2: The ship part ID to transfer was not supplied.
- RT3: The quantity to transfer was not supplied.
- RT4: The quantity supplied is not a valid number.
- RT5: The ship part of the supplied quantity was not found in the current ship hold.
- RT6: The current system does not have storage services.
- RT7: The structure ID was not supplied.
- RT8: Your ship does not have enough free hold space to transfer the ship part.
- RT9: You are not in the same system as the structure.
- RT10: The ship to transfer cargo from is not at the same location.
- RT11: This structure type cannot accept ship parts.
- RT12: As an Ensign you cannot transfer cargo.
- RU1: The rule was updated successfully.
- RU2: The system ID to change the rule was not supplied.
- RU3: The rule name to toggle was not supplied.
- RU4: The system of the supplied ID does not belong to your faction.
- RU5: The faction rule of the supplied name cannot be found.
- RU6: You need to have a faction role of captain or above to change system rules.
- RW1: The weapon part was successfully added to the recipe.
- RW2: The weapon part ID was not supplied.
- RW3: The current system does not have faction port crafting services.
- RW4: The weapon part ID can be found within the structure.
- RW5: The recipe already contains four parts.
- RW6: The structure ID was not supplied.
- RW7: This weapon part is already in the recipe.
- RX1: The message was sent successfully.
- RX2: You cannot send an empty message.
- RX3: You message contained blocked words.
- RX4: You are sending messages too quickly.
- RY1: All system rules were cleared successfully.
- RY2: Only the faction founder can clear all system rules.
- RZ1: The field of the farm was razed successfully.
- RZ2: The farm of the supplied ID could not be found.
- RZ3: As a ensign you cannot instruct a farm to raze a field.
- RZ4: The field of the farm could not be found.
- S1: Entered sublight idle travel.
- S2: A system ID or direction for sublight travel must be supplied.
- S3: Cannot engage at sublight while busy.
- S4: System ID is not valid for sublight travel, your faction is yet to discover this system.
- S5: The supplied direction is invalid, supply 0 for negative and 1 for positive.
- S6: Sublight travel has been stopped.
- S7: Sublight travel was not stopped as sublight travel is not underway.
- S8: Cannot start sub-light travel while docked.
- S9: The destination position supplied is not a valid number.
- SA1: The wreck was salvaged successfully.
- SA2: The wreck ID to salvage was not supplied.
- SA3: The wreck to salvage cannot be found.
- SA4: You are not currently commanding a ship with the construction perk.
- SA5: You cannot salvage in this system as the faction which owns the system has disallowed salvaging, your rank of ensign prohibits causing relational damages.
- SB1: The wormhole was stabilised successfully.
- SB2: The body ID to stabilise was not supplied.
- SB3: Your current ship does not have the ability to stabilise wormholes.
- SB4: The endpoint system ID was not supplied.
- SB5: The unstable wormhole could not be found.
- SB6: You can only set the endpoint to a system your faction owns.
- SC1: The commodity for the provided quantity was sold.
- SC2: The commodity ID to sell is not valid.
- SC3: The supplied commodity ID to sell if invalid.
- SC4: The current system is not accepting alien trade.
- SC6: The commodity for the supplied ID cannot be found in the hold of the current ship.
- SC7: There are not trading structures in the system to perform a sell of commodities.
- SC8: There are no trading illegal commodities service in this system.
- SC9: You cannot sell commodities in a system you own.
- SC10: The trading structure has cloaked and can no longer be interacted with.
- SC11: The structure has declined to execute this trade.
- SD1: The seed was deployed successfully.
- SD2: The ID of the seed was not supplied.
- SD3: The orbited body is not suitable or cannot be found.
- SD4: An active planetary shield is in place, the seed cannot be deployed.
- SD5: The seed of the supplied ID cannot be found in your hold.
- SD6: You must have the Macro Botanist skill to launch a seed.
- SE1: The equipment was successfully sold from your hold.
- SE2: The current system is not currently accepting trade.
- SE3: The equipment was not found in your hold.
- SE4: The current system is not currently accepting alien trade.
- SE5: The current system does not have port trading services.
- SE6: The current system does not have trading illegal ports services.
- SE7: The current system does not allow trade of illegal ports.
- SE8: You cannot sell equipment to your own faction.
- SG1: The suit was equipped successfully.
- SG2: The suit of the supplied ID could not be found.
- SH1: The stored weapon was sold successfully.
- SH2: The system you are currently in is not accepting trade at this time.
- SH3: The stored weapon to sell was not found in your hold.
- SH4: The current system is not accepting alien trade.
- SH5: The current system is not accepting trade of illegal weapons.
- SH6: The current system does not have port trading services.
- SH7: The current system does not have trading illegal ports services.
- SH8: The current system does not allow trading of illegal ports.
- SH9: You cannot sell weapons to your own faction.
- SI1: The ship was sold successfully.
- SI2: The ship ID to sell was not supplied.
- SI3: The ship to sell could not be found.
- SI4: The ship has other ships docked in its bays and cannot be sold.
- SI5: The current system does not have ship trading services.
- SI6: The current system does not allow ship trading.
- SJ1: All structure components were ejected successfully.
- SL1: The colonists were relocated successfully.
- SL2: The quantity of colonists to relocate was not supplied.
- SL3: The structure ID of the colony to relocate colonists was not supplied.
- SL4: The quantity of colonists to relocate was not supplied.
- SL5: You do not have the quantity of colonists onboard.
- SL6: You are not in the same system as the colony.
- SM1: The system was renamed successfully.
- SM2: The system ID to rename was not supplied.
- SM3: The custom name to rename the system was not supplied.
- SM4: The custom name for the system must be between 3 and 64 characters long.
- SM5: You cannot rename a system your faction does not own.
- SM6: The new name contains swearing and cannot be used.
- SM7: The new named has blocked terms and cannot be used.
- SM8: A system name can only contain letters, numbers and spaces.
- SM9: A system name cannot be only numbers.
- SM10: Only faction members with the rank of Admiral or above can rename systems.
- SN1: The consumable was successfully sold.
- SN2: The current system does not have services to sell consumables.
- SN3: This system is not currently allowing alien trade.
- SN4: The current system does not have consumable trading services.
- SN5: The structure is full and cannot accept your item.
- SN6: You cannot sell consumables to your own faction.
- SO1: The companion was sold successfully.
- SO2: The companion ID was not supplied.
- SO3: A companion of the supplied ID could not be found.
- SO4: The current system does not have the trading companions service.
- SO5: The current system forbids alien trade.
- SP1: The weapon was successfully stored in the structure.
- SP2: The weapon ID to store was not supplied.
- SP3: The quantity of weapons to store was not supplied.
- SP4: The quantity of weapons to transfer supplied is not a valid number.
- SP5: The weapons of the supplied quantity was not found in the current ship hold.
- SP6: The current system does not have storage services.
- SP7: The structure ID to store weapons was not supplied.
- SP8: The structure does not have enough free space to transfer the weapons.
- SP9: You are not in the same system as the structure.
- SP10: You cannot store weapons from the Mechanical Fleet in a trading structure.
- SP11: This structure cannot accept weapons.
- SQ1: The fitted equipment was sold successfully.
- SQ2: The current system has not been discovered by your faction.
- SQ3: The equipment was not found fitted to your ship.
- SQ4: The current system is not currently trading with aliens.
- SQ5: The current system does not have port trading services.
- SQ6: The current system does not have trading illegal ports services.
- SQ7: The current system does not allow trade of illegal ports.
- SQ8: You cannot remove hold extenders fitted to your ship until your hold is empty.
- SQ9: You cannot sell equipment to your own faction.
- SQ10: You cannot sell equipment to your own faction.
- SR1: Ship hull and sub-systems successfully repaired.
- SR2: You do not have enough credits to repair your ship.
- SR3: The current system is not accepting alien trade.
- SR4: The current system has no ship repair services.
- SR5: The service ID was not supplied.
- SR6: The service ID is not a valid number.
- SR7: Service is not currently available.
- SS1: The structure components was sold successfully.
- SS2: The current system has not yet been discovered by your faction.
- SS3: The structure component price cannot be determined.
- SS4: The current system is not accepting alien trade.
- SS5: The current system does not have part trading services.
- SS6: You cannot sell structure components to your own faction.
- ST1: The component was transferred from the structure your ship successfully.
- ST2: The component ID to transfer was not supplied.
- ST3: The quantity to transfer was not supplied.
- ST4: The quantity supplied was not a valid number.
- ST5: The structure component of the supplied amount was not.
- ST6: There are not structures to transfer from in this system.
- ST7: The structure ID to transfer from was not supplied.
- ST8: Your current ship does not have enough space to transfer the component.
- ST9: You are not in the same system as the structure.
- ST10: The ship to transfer cargo from is not at the same location.
- ST11: This structure type cannot accept structure components.
- ST12: As an Ensign you cannot transfer cargo.
- SW1: The fitted weapon was sold successfully.
- SW2: The system you are currently in is not accepting trade at this time.
- SW3: The weapon for sale cannot be found fitted to your ship.
- SW4: This system is not accepting trade from aliens.
- SW5: This system is not accepting trade of illegal weapons.
- SW6: The current system does not have port trading services.
- SW7: The current system does not have illegal port trading services.
- SW8: The current system does not allow trade of illegal ports.
- SW9: You cannot sell weapons to your own faction.
- T1: The criterion response was sent successfully.
- T2: The criterion option was not supplied.
- T3: The criterion option was not supplied.
- T4: The criterion option sent is not valid.
- T5: There is not active criterion.
- T6: You have already completed this criterion.
- TA1: All hold commodities were transferred to the structure.
- TA2: The structure ID was not supplied.
- TA3: The current system does not have storage services.
- TA4: Your hold is empty.
- TA5: The structure does not have enough space to store your entire hold contents.
- TB1: Sublight engine parameters were tweaked successfully.
- TB2: One of the required engine parameters was not provided.
- TB3: The paramters of the current ship could not be tweaked.
- TB4: You require the Tweaker skill to tweak sublight engine parameters.
- TC1: The commodity of the specified quantity was transferred successfully.
- TC2: The commodity ID was not supplied.
- TC3: The commodity quantity was not supplied.
- TC4: The quantity supplied is invalid.
- TC5: The commodity at the supplied amount was not found in the hold.
- TC6: The current system does not have faction storage services.
- TC7: The structure ID was not supplied.
- TC8: The structure does not have enough free space to store the commodity at the supplied quantity.
- TC9: You are not in the same system as the structure.
- TC10: This structure type cannot accept commodities.
- TD1: A new card was crafted successfully.
- TD2: Your recipe is not complete to craft cards.
- TD3: You have not realised the strategist skill to being crafting cards.
- TE1: The recipe was submitted successfully.
- TE2: The structure ID was not supplied.
- TE3: The faction port crafting service is not available in the current system.
- TE4: The structure does not have a complete recipe of four items.
- TF1: Wildlife training started successfully.
- TF2: The structure ID of the Reserve was not supplied.
- TF3: The wildlife ID of the wildlife to train was not supplied.
- TF4: You are not in orbit of a body to start wildlife training.
- TF5: You are not in a ship that can land.
- TF6: Training is complete for the selected wildlife and cannot be restarted.
- TF7: You are not in the same system as the selected Reserve structure.
- TF8: You cannot train wildlife that is stationary.
- TH1: The ship recipe was submitted successfully.
- TH2: The structure ID was not supplied.
- TH3: The current system does not have ship crafting services.
- TH4: The ship recipe does not have four parts.
- TJ1: The ownership transfer request was successfully withdrawn.
- TJ2: The target faction ID was not supplied.
- TJ3: The faction ID supplied is not valid.
- TJ4: Only the faction founder can withdraw an ownership transfer request.
- TJ5: The ownership transfer request could not be found.
- TK1: The tracker was placed successfully.
- TK2: The ship ID to track was not supplied.
- TK3: The ship ID supplied is not valid.
- TK4: You do not have the Tracker skill.
- TK5: The ship already has an active tracker.
- TL1: The colonists were transported successfully.
- TL2: The quantity of colonists to transport was not supplied.
- TL3: The structure ID of the colony was not supplied.
- TL4: The quantity of colonists to transport is not a valid number.
- TL5: You are not currently in command of a ship with the mass biostasis perk.
- TL6: The colony does not have the number of colonists specified or its population is at or below 10.
- TL8: You do not have enough space to transport the colonists at the supplied quantity.
- TL9: You are not in the same system as the colony.
- TL10: As an Ensign you cannot transfer colonists.
- TN1: The Stellar Engine was instructed to move successfully.
- TN2: The structure ID of the Stellar Engine was not supplied.
- TN3: The direction supplied for the Stellar Engine is invalid.
- TN4: You require the faction role of admiral or above to issue instructions to the Stellar Engine.
- TN5: The Stellar Engine is already in motion and cannot be given new instructions.
- TN6: The Stellar Engine does not have the Oxygen-14 consumable in its hold.
- TO1: A transfer ownership request was successfully sent.
- TO2: The faction ID to send the request to was not supplied.
- TO3: You must be the faction founder to propose an ownership transfer.
- TO4: You cannot propose an ownership transfer to an NPC faction.
- TO5: The faction of the supplied ID could not be found.
- TO6: There is already an open transfer request between your two factions.
- TO7: You cannot propose a transfer of ownership with your own faction.
- TP1: All parts possible were sold.
- TP2: The current system does not allow alien trade.
- TP3: The current system does not have part trading services.
- TP4: You cannot sell parts to your own faction structures.
- TQ1: All equipment possible was sold.
- TQ2: The current system does not allow alien trade.
- TQ3: You cannot sell equipment to your faction.
- TR1: Terraforming started successfully.
- TR2: The body ID to terraform was not supplied.
- TR3: The commodity ID to replenish was not supplied.
- TR4: You are not current in a system to terraform.
- TR5: The body of the supplied ID was not found.
- TR6: The body does not need terraforming.
- TR7: You have no commodities on board to start mining.
- TR8: You have none of the specified commodity to terraform.
- TR9: You cannot terraform while docked.
- TR10: You are not currently in command of a ship with the terraforming perk.
- TS1: The supplied quantity of the commodity was transferred from the structure to your ship successfully.
- TS2: A commodity ID was not supplied.
- TS3: A quantity was not supplied.
- TS4: The quantity supplied is invalid.
- TS5: The structure does not have the quantity specified.
- TS6: The current system has no storage services.
- TS7: The structure ID was not supplied.
- TS8: Your ship does not have enough free hold space to perform the transfer.
- TS9: You are not in the same system as the structure.
- TS10: The ship to transfer cargo from is not at the same location.
- TS11: This structure cannot accept commodities.
- TS12: As an Ensign you cannot transfer cargo.
- TT1: The structure component of the specified quantity was stored successfully.
- TT2: The component ID to store was not supplied.
- TT3: The quantity to store was not supplied.
- TT4: The quantity to store was not a valid number.
- TT5: The structure component of the specified amount was not found in your hold.
- TT6: There are no structures in this system to store components.
- TT7: The structure ID to store the component was not supplied.
- TT8: The structure does not have enough space to store the component.
- TT9: You are not in the same system as the structure.
- TT10: You are not in the same system as the structure.
- TT11: This structure type cannot accept structure components.
- TV1: The Stellar Engine was instructed to stop successfully.
- TV2: The structure ID of the Stellar Engine was not supplied.
- TV3: You must have the faction role of admiral or above to instruct the Stellar Engine.
- TV4: The structure of the supplied ID could not be found.
- TW1: The weapon recipe was submitted successfully.
- TW2: The structure ID was not supplied.
- TW3: The current system does not have faction port crafting services.
- TW4: The weapon recipe does not have four parts.
- TX1: The ownership transfer request was successfully rejected.
- TX2: The faction ID was not provided.
- TX3: The faction ID provided is not valid.
- TX4: Only the faction founder can reject ownership transfer requests.
- TX5: The ownership transfer request could not be found.
- TY1: The ownership request was accepted successfully.
- TY2: The faction ID was not provided.
- TY3: The faction ID provided is not valid.
- TY4: Only the faction founder can accept an ownership transfer request.
- TY5: The ownership transfer request could no longer be found.
- TY6: You must wait 30 days before you can accept another transfer request.
- U1: The structure was attacked successfully.
- U2: The structure ID of the structure to attack was not supplied.
- U3: The structure of the supplied ID is not in the current system.
- U4: You cannot start combat at the faction role of ensign.
- U5: You are already in combat and cannot start another battle.
- U6: You cannot attack a structure belonging to a faction you are allied with.
- U7: You cannot attack structures while in a simulation region.
- UA1: All structure components possible were recovered successfully.
- UA2: No structure components to recover were detected at the current location.
- UA3: You do not have free space to recover structure components.
- UB1: Banner changes successfully.
- UB2: The banner ID to use was not selected.
- UB3: The banner ID selected is not available to you.
- UC1: The consumable was used successfully.
- UC2: The consumable ID to us was not supplied.
- UC3: The consumable was not found in the hold of your current ship.
- UC4: This consumable cannot be used by androids.
- UC5: You need at least 1 Mg of space in your hold to open a capsule.
- UC6: You can not use this type of consumable.
- UC7: You do not have an active mission to be able to use this equipment.
- UC8: You must visit at least one body to charge the accelerator.
- UC9: You can only have unto 16 drones in your faction at any one time.
- UC10: You are not in a system that has a faction you can target.
- UC11: Scrap metal can only be examined in a system with a Junk Yard.
- UC12: You need at least 50 Mgs of free hold space to open a crate.
- UD1: You undocked successfully.
- UD2: You are not currently docked.
- UE1: Attire changed successfully.
- UE2: The attire ID to use was not set.
- UE3: You do have have an attire to wear of the supplied ID.
- UL1: You successfully changed your title.
- UL2: The title ID to change to was not supplied.
- UL3: You have not unlocked the title specified.
- UM1: The ship was stopped successfully.
- UM2: The ID of the ship to stop was not supplied.
- UM3: The ship of the supplied ID could not be found.
- UP1: Portrait randomised successfully.
- UP2: You must be a patron to be able to randomise your portrait.
- UR1: The technology has been successfully improved.
- UR2: The technology ID to improve was not supplied.
- UR3: Your faction does not have enough research points to improve this technology.
- UR4: You must be of the faction role Founder to improve technology.
- UR5: The technology of the supplied ID has yet to be unlocked by your faction.
- UR6: Your faction treasury does not have enough credits to pay for this improvement.
- UR7: Research cannot be upgraded beyond level 100.
- US1: You have successfully undocked.
- US2: You are not currently docked within a ship.
- UT1: SR Training was started successfully.
- UT2: The ID of the skill to train was not supplied.
- UT3: The current system does not have training services.
- UT4: You do not currently have the skill realised request to train.
- UT5: Could not locate a structure to train within at the current system.
- UT6: You already have SR Training in progress and cannot start another course.
- UT7: You cannot afford the price of this training.
- UT8: You require one B-Chip to perform precise skill training.
- UT9: You cannot train a skill at level 100.
- UT10: Your equanimity is too low to perform SR Training.
- UY1: The story chapter was unlocked successfully.
- UY2: The story chapter to unlock was not provided.
- UY3: You can only unlock the next chapter.
- UY4: You do not meet the overall skill requirement to unlock the next story chapter.
- VA1: Person added to vault allowed list successfully.
- VA2: The user ID to add was not supplied.
- VA3: The ID of the structure was not supplied.
- VA4: The structure of the supplied ID does not belong to you.
- VB1: The B-Chip was converted successfully.
- VB2: You do not own a B-Chip.
- VB3: You must have a current credit balance below 1,250,000,000 credits to convert a B-Chip.
- VB4: Your current B-Chip balance cannot be calculated, please check back later.
- VC1: The consumable was delisted from sale successfully.
- VC2: The consumable ID to delist was not supplied.
- VC3: The consumable to delist was not found in your hold.
- VD1: The weapon part was delisted from sale successfully.
- VD2: The weapon ID to delist was not supplied.
- VD3: The weapon to delisted could not be found in your hold.
- VE1: The equipment was listed for sale successfully.
- VE2: The equipment ID to list for sale was not supplied.
- VE3: The equipment was not found in your hold.
- VN1: The consumable was listed from sale successfully.
- VN2: The consumable ID to list was not supplied.
- VN3: The consumable to list was not found in your hold.
- VP1: The equipment was delisted from sale successfully.
- VP2: The equipment ID to delist was not supplied.
- VP3: The equipment to delist was not found in your hold.
- VR1: The person was removed successfully from the allowed list.
- VR2: The user ID to remove was not supplied.
- VR3: The ID of the structure was not supplied.
- VR4: The structure of the supplied ID does not belong to you.
- VW1: The weapon was listed for sale successfully.
- VW2: The weapon ID to list for sale was not supplied.
- VW3: The weapon to list for sale could not be found in your hold.
- W1: You respawned successfully.
- W2: You cannot respawn outside of the Pocket Universe.
- W3: The system ID to spawn towards was not supplied.
- W4: The system of the supplied ID could not be found.
- WA1: Recover all ships parts possible successfully.
- WA2: No ship parts to recover were detected at the current location.
- WA3: You do not have free space to recover ship parts.
- WC1: Enlisting the companion was successful.
- WC2: The ID of the companion was not supplied.
- WC3: The companion of the supplied ID could not be found in the Reserve at this location.
- WC4: You do not have enough free slots to enlist this companion.
- WC5: You cannot enlist a companion as the rank of ensign.
- WC6: As an Ensign you cannot enlist a companion.
- WD1: The weapon part was removed for the recipe successfully.
- WD2: The weapon part ID was not supplied.
- WD3: The system does not have faction port crafting services.
- WD4: The weapon part could not be found in the structure.
- WD5: There is no recipe to remove part from.
- WE1: The ship part was ejected successfully.
- WE2: The ship part ID was not supplied.
- WE3: The quantity of ship parts was not supplied.
- WE4: The quantity supplied to eject ship parts is not a valid number.
- WE5: The quantity of ship parts was not found in the current ship hold.
- WF1: The fitted weapon was ejected successfully.
- WF2: The ID of the fitted weapon to eject was not supplied.
- WF3: The quantity of the fitted weapon to eject was not supplied.
- WF4: The quantity supplied is not a valid number.
- WF5: The fitted weapon of the supplied ID and quantity cannot be found.
- WG1: The redeem code was redeemed successfully.
- WG2: The redeem code was not supplied.
- WG3: The redeem code could not be redeemed as the item is no longer valid.
- WG4: The redeem code is no longer valid.
- WG5: You cannot redeem another code for one month.
- WJ1: Ejected all ship parts successfully.
- WL1: All weapons were successfully ejected.
- WP1: The weapon part was ejected successfully.
- WP2: The weapon part ID was not supplied.
- WP3: The quantity to eject was not supplied.
- WP4: The quantity supplied is not a valid number.
- WP5: The weapon part of the supplied quantity was not found in the current ship hold.
- WR1: War reparations were accepted successfully, the war has ended.
- WR2: The faction ID to accept war reparations was not provided.
- WR3: The faction ID to accept war reparations is not valid.
- WR4: Only the faction founder can accept war reparations.
- WR5: The war reparations cannot be accepted at this time.
- WS1: You have successfully switched ship.
- WS2: The ship ID to switch to was not supplied.
- WS3: The parked ship was not found in the current system.
- WS4: You are already captaining this ship.
- WS5: Cannot switch ship while engaged in another activity.
- WS6: You cannot switch to this ship, you do not have enough crew.
- WS7: You do not have the required skill to command this ship.
- WS8: The ship is programmed to only identify humans and cannot be commanded.
- WT1: The ship part was stored in the structure successfully.
- WT2: The ship part ID was not supplied.
- WT3: The quantity was not supplied.
- WT4: The quantity to store is not a valid number.
- WT5: The quantity of ship parts was not found in the current ship hold.
- WT6: The current system does not have storage services.
- WT7: The structure ID was not supplied.
- WT8: The structure does not have enough space to store the ship part.
- WT9: You are not in the same system as the structure.
- WT10: This structure cannot accept ship parts.
- WU1: The weapon was unfitted and stored successfully.
- WU2: The weapon ID to unfit was not supplied.
- WU3: The quantity to unfit was not supplied.
- WU4: The quantity supplied to unfit was not as valid number.
- WU5: The quantity to unfit is higher than the fitted number of weapons of the supplied ID.
- WU6: You do not have enough hold space to unfit the weapons at the supplied quantity.
- WW1: The weapon was successfully transferred from the structure to your hold.
- WW2: The weapon ID to transfer was not supplied.
- WW3: The quantity to transfer was not supplied.
- WW4: The quantity to transfer was not a valid number.
- WW5: The weapons at the supplied quantity were not found in the current ship hold.
- WW6: The current system does not have storage services.
- WW7: The structure ID to transfer from was not supplied.
- WW8: The current ship does not have enough free hold to perform the transfer.
- WW9: The weapons was transferred and fitted successfully.
- WW10: Your internal systems are destroyed, you cannot currently fit the weapon.
- WW11: You do not have enough power to fit this weapon.
- WW12: You are not in the same system as the structure.
- WW13: The ship to transfer cargo from is not at the same location.
- WW14: This structure type cannot accept weapons.
- WW15: As an Ensign you cannot transfer cargo.
- X1: Codex was successfully marked as viewed.
- X2: The codex ID was not supplied.
- X3: The codex ID supplied was not valid.
- X4: The codex ID supplied is not yet discovered or the codex is already read.
- XA1: All weapon parts possible were recovered successfully.
- XA2: No weapons parts were detected adrift at the current location.
- XA3: You do not have free space to recover weapon parts.
- XB1: The subject was submited for cross breeding successfully.
- XB2: The consumable ID for the subject was not supplied.
- XB3: The field ID was not supplied.
- XB4: The consumable subject could not be found in your hold.
- XB5: The farm of the supplied ID could not be found in the system.
- XB6: The consumable supplied is not compatible.
- XB7: You cannot cross breed with another subject.
- XW1: All weapons possible were sold.
- XW2: The current system does not have port trading services.
- XW3: You cannot sell weapons to your own faction structures.
- Y1: The synthesis process started successfully.
- Y2: The ID of the commodity to synthesise was not supplied.
- Y3: The structure ID of the factory to start synthesis was not supplied.
- Y4: You must be above the rank of ensign to start the synthesis process.
- Y5: Your faction does not have the required research to start this process.
- Y6: The factory is already undertaking a different process.
- Y7: The factory is already undertaking a different process.
- Y8: The factory is already undertaking a different process.
- Y9: The factory of the supplied ID is offline or disabled.
- Y10: The commodity of the supplied ID cannot be synthesised.
- YA1: The synthesis process was stopped successfully.
- YA2: The structure ID of the factory was not supplied.
- YA3: The process could not be stopped as it was not running.
- YC1: The commodities were recovered successfully.
- YC2: The commodity ID to recover was not supplied.
- YC3: The quantity of commodities to recover was not supplied.
- YC4: The quantity of commodities supplied to recover is not a valid number.
- YC5: The commodities of the supplied quantity were not found adrift at this position.
- YC8: Your current ship does not have enough free hold space to recover the commodities.
- YE1: The weapon was recovered successfully.
- YE2: The weapon ID to recover was not supplied.
- YE3: The quantity of weapons to recover was not supplied.
- YE4: The quantity of weapons to recover is not a valid number.
- YE5: The weapons of the supplied quantity were not found adrift at the current position.
- YE8: Your current ship does not have enough free space to recover the weapons.
- YM1: The consumables were recovered successfully.
- YM2: The consumable ID to recover was not supplied.
- YM3: The quantity of consumables to recover was not supplied.
- YM4: The quantity of consumables to recover supplied is not a valid number.
- YM5: The consumables at the supplied quantity were not found at the current position.
- YM8: Your current ship does not have enough space to recover the consumables at the supplied quantity.
- YN1: The weapon part was recovered successfully.
- YN2: The weapon part ID to recover was not supplied.
- YN3: The quantity of weapon parts to recover was not supplied.
- YN4: The quantity of weapon parts to recover supplied is not a valid number.
- YN5: The weapon parts of the supplied quantity were not found adrift at the current position.
- YN8: Your current ship does not have enough free space to recover the weapon parts.
- YP1: The equipment parts were recovered successfully.
- YP2: The equipment part ID to recover was not supplied.
- YP3: The quantity of equipment parts to recover was not supplied.
- YP4: The quantity of equipment parts to recover is not a valid number.
- YP5: The equipment parts at the supplied quantity were not found at the current location.
- YP8: Your current ship does not have enough space to recover the equipment parts.
- YQ1: The equipment was recovered successfully.
- YQ2: The equipment ID to recover was not supplied.
- YQ3: The equipment quantity to recover was not supplied.
- YQ4: The quantity of equipment to recover is not a valid number.
- YQ5: The equipment of the supplied quantity was not found adrift at this location.
- YQ8: Your current ship does not have enough free space to recover the equipment at the supplied quantity.
- YS1: The survey was completed successfully.
- YS2: The survey ID to submit was not supplied.
- YS3: The answers to the survey was not supplied.
- YS4: The survey of the supplied ID could not be found.
- YS5: You have already completed this survey.
- YU1: The structure component was successfully recovered.
- YU2: The structure component ID to recover was not supplied.
- YU3: The quantity of structure components to recover was not supplied.
- YU4: The quantity of structure components to recover is not a valid number.
- YU5: The structure components at the supplied quantity were not found at the current position.
- YU8: Your current ship does not have enough free space to store the structure components.
- YW1: The ship parts were recovered successfully.
- YW2: The ship part ID to recover was not supplied.
- YW3: The quantity of ship parts to recover was not supplied.
- YW4: The quantity of ship parts to recover is not a valid number.
- YW5: The ship parts at the supplied quantity were not found adrift at the current position.
- YW8: Your current ship does not have enough free space to recover the ship parts.