TextSpaced: An infinite and shared text-based universe.


The bazaar is a trading structure specifically for consumables. Simply add any consumables to the bazaars hold and they will go on sale generating profits for your faction.

Shield: 1,000 ZWs

Hull: 500 GPa

Energy Required: 50 ZWs

Total Attack Power: 100

Components Required: Appraisal Unit, Collector Exchange Interface.

- Appraisal Unit: Pure Rhodium, Pure Erbium, Pure Rubidium, Pure Scandium.

- Collector Exchange Interface: Pure Gadolinium, Pure Silver, Pure Europium, Pure Aluminium.

Services Provided: Trading Consumables.

Bays: 2

Rooms: 1

Hold: 5,000 Mgs

Body Type Limit: None

Required Skill: None

Placement: Spatial

Singular: Yes

Faction Usage Only: No


[ATTACK] Mounted Star Cannon: Deals S: 20, H: 50.

[ATTACK] Mounted Beam Cannon: Deals S: 50, H: 20.

[DEFENCE] Reinforce Integrity: Modifies the following statistics instantly for [SELF]: Incoming Damage: -5%.

[DEFENCE] Repair Crews: Modifies the following statistics instantly for [SELF]: Shields: +20 ZWs. Hull: +20 GPa.

[SPECIAL] Relay SOS: Send an SOS to the SOS channel.
