Constructible by any person with the colonisation skill at level five, the Solar Settlement is a large station designed to house a population and support it growing. The spatial structure is able to support a population of 1,000 every structure level.
It can be built around any body with a safe orbit making it the perfect alternative to a traditional settlement.
Once the settlement is placed a population will begin to form. Since the structure itself has very little in the way of defences, keeping the settlement safe should be paramount to safeguard life.
Shield: 500 ZWs
Hull: 1,000 GPa
Energy Required: 500 ZWs
Total Attack Power: 0
Components Required: Factory Unit, Power Distribution Node, Generational Botanic Spur.
- Factory Unit: Pure Platinum, Pure Cerium, Pure Copper, Pure Aluminium.
- Generational Botanic Spur: Pure Carbon, Pure Oxygen, Pure Phosphorus, Pure Hydrogen.
- Power Distribution Node: Pure Magnesium, Pure Phosphorus, Pure Zinc, Pure Lithium.
Services Provided: None.
Bays: 2
Rooms: 0
Hold: 100 Mgs
Body Type Limit: None
Required Skill: Colonisation 5
Placement: Spatial
Singular: No
Faction Usage Only: Yes
[ATTACK] Mounted Star Cannon: Deals S: 20, H: 50.
[ATTACK] Mounted Beam Cannon: Deals S: 50, H: 20.
[DEFENCE] Reinforce Integrity: Modifies the following statistics instantly for [SELF]: Incoming Damage: -5%.
[DEFENCE] Repair Crews: Modifies the following statistics instantly for [SELF]: Shields: +20 ZWs. Hull: +20 GPa.
[SPECIAL] Relay SOS: Send an SOS to the SOS channel.