TextSpaced: An infinite and shared text-based universe.


How do I fit rooms?

Rooms can be fitted in any system that provides the ship room fitting service. To find systems with this service, open the helm window and scroll to the services section. Next select the service of "Ship Room Fitting" from the dropdown. After selecting, resulting systems that have the service will be listed. Pressing engage next to any system will start travel to that system.

Different factions offer a different selection of rooms, but if you are after passenger accommodation you should find a system with the service owned by the Civilian Guild faction.

Once you arrive in the system with the service, open the services window and select ship room fitting. From this window you can browse the rooms available to fit, what they cost to fit and a button labelled fit. Different ships have a different number of room spaces available to fit rooms, and this is stated above the room listings. You can only fit rooms if you have at least one room space remaining.
