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How do I improve my mining speed

Mining speed can be improved any various different ways, which increase the yield of commodities you recover each minute. Depending on the rarity of commodities, some may take longer to mine than others. Additionally, exotic commodities require an exotic mining beam to gather (level 10 or higher).

Firstly, a mining role ship will automatically double all yields and mining beams do not fatigue when fitting to such a ship. Mining beams are also a perfect way to increase yield, which can be purchased as ports from any system that provides the trading ports service or crafted.

Mining crew can also improve your yield and moreover if you dock tugs within the bays of your ship, the mining crew will automatically use these Tugs to improve mining yields further.

Skills can be realised to increase mining yields, with some skills targeting specific categories of commodities.

Lastly, mining can be improve by circumstances out of your control such as a region effect, active event or active boost.
