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How can I craft ports?

Ports include both equipment and weapons with equipment lines having 10 increasingly more powerful variants to discover and weapons lines having 40. Both can be a powerful addition to your faction with equipment providing benefits to ships, such as afterburners which can increase their speed, and each weapon line having a unique perk that can help in battle.

To begin port crafting first visit a planet homing a faction armoury and deposit your port parts into the armoury's hold. Once that is done, you can open the crafting window and select the option for "craft equipment" or "craft weapon". This will open a recipe window, when you can place parts from the armoury hold into a recipe in an attempt to find a viable outcome. A recipe consists of four different parts, and pressing the add button next to any part will add it to the recipe. Once the recipe as 4 parts, the "craft" button will become active and pressing this will tell you the outcome.

If the outcome is successful, you will have discovered a port recipe for your faction which any member can now load. In all cases however the ports are consumed, with success creating the port within the armoury hold.
