TextSpaced: An infinite and shared text-based universe.


How do I use the communication channels

You can open the communication channels by clicking the chat bubble icon at the bottom right of the screen.

By default you will see the "chat" channel that allows you to chat with anyone else in the universe regardless of distance. When another player sends a message it will include their faction rank, their name and the approximate time ago the message was sent.

If you discover a message you do not feel is appropriate you can hover over the message and click the report icon to report the message content.

There are various commands you can use in chat which can be reviewed by typing @help which will display them.

You can also use a faction chat channel to chat with just your faction members and open the log channel to quickly see a log of all your actions in-game.

Lastly, by selecting inbox this will open the inbox window. If you have received an inbox message from another player this will be noted in your log and can be viewed from here. To send an inbox message to another player, search for them by name and then use the contextual option of "message". This will open a screen for you to start a conversation. All messages sent between players are rewritten to keep everyone safe and to keep messages in character.
