TextSpaced: An infinite and shared text-based universe.


How does a colonies population increase or decrease?

A colonies population will slowly increase over time as more colonists are born. At certain population levels a colony will also upgrade itself to a more powerful structure starting at a settlement and ending in a Civilisation.

The colony will also sometimes give birth to heroes that can help increase the population or can be enlisted to join your crew.

Completing a colony request as found in the mission window will increase the population further and often create a population boom. During a population boom, a colonies natural growth rate is increased. Sometimes you will also get requests notifying you of problems with the colony, such as an outbreak of a disease. In this case the colony will go into population decline until the request is completed. If the request is failed the population will suffer a critical loss.

In both cases the status of a colony is shown in its overview within the command window.
