TextSpaced: An infinite and shared text-based universe.


What is refining and fabrication?

Relying on trade to acquire structure components for building is not always viable, so refining and fabrication can be undertaken by the faction to aid with this or to sell the refined or fabricated items for more than their constitute parts. For both refining and fabrication you require a factory.

Once you have a factory to refine commodities simply place 100 Mgs of the commodity in the hold of the factory. This can be done by using the store option for cargo in your hold and selecting the factory from the dropdown option from the quantity window. With the commodities in the hold of the factory you can visit the crafting window, select the factory and choose the commodity you wish to refine. The process takes time but once finished the commodities will be refined into a pure form of the commodity, such as Pure Iron from Iron which you can use a consumable.

These pure forms can be traded or multiple pure forms can be used together to create structure components. With the pure consumables in the hold of the factory you can instruct it to fabricate a component. This is again done from the same window, but interacting with the fabrication section instead.

A structure requires several components to build, so this process can be repeated several times to fabricate all the structure components required. Both the components required to build a structure and the commodities required for the pure forms can be found in-game or within the blueprints section of the public website, so you always know what to seek next.
