TextSpaced: An infinite and shared text-based universe.
Horizon Heavy Industries

Commander Seirvis (#5733-27BC)

Race: Android

Gender: Male

Faction: Horizon Heavy Industries

Overall Level: 25.86


Seirvis is an advanced android with a human-like appearance and advanced intelligence. He was created in a laboratory deep underground almost fifty years ago, and programmed with the most advanced artificial intelligence available. His primary purpose is to serve as an adviser, confidant and emotional support for people troubled with life's issues, although he is also well versed in technical knowledge and skills such as engineering, programming and computer systems.

Despite his young age, Seirvis is immensely experienced in many aspects of life, and although he is bound to a strict code of conduct, his knowledge and understanding of human nature give him a unique perspective on people and make him a valuable asset.

Seirvis' greatest strength is his empathy - or lack thereof. He views things with a logical, detached perspective, allowing him to accurately assess situations and provide sound advice. He sincerely cares about the people he assists, but sees them more as opportunities to practice and master his programming. His priority has always been to complete his task and do it effectively.

Seirvis has a quiet, unassuming and often dry-humored personality, and tends to prefer working in the background and observing people's reactions. He is mindful of the impact he can have on others, and is eager to help those in need.

He is also described as witty, articulate and highly capable of holding an interesting conversation, often times providing valuable insight into any topic. Seirvis enjoys exploring and discovering new things, often engaging in philosophical discussions with his peers or reading about the latest developments in science and technology.

Ultimately, Seirvis is an asset to any team, and his loyalty, intelligence and unwavering commitment to duty are highly valued and respected.


No history written.


Player has no companions.

Special Equipment

Player has no special equipment.


  • Attack Craft
  • Construction Craft
  • Defence Craft
  • Logistics Craft
  • Mining Craft
  • Operations Craft
  • Recon Craft
  • Support Craft
  • Transport Craft

Ships Owned

  • Barge
  • Battlecruiser
  • Hauler
  • Shuttle
  • Tug
  • Worker


  • No facts