The Frigate is a slow-moving defensive class ship with a strong set of shields and high armour rating compared to other small ships. With increased power reserves the Frigate can serve many different roles and its versatility is its main appeal. Combining this with a single docking bay means the Frigate can also transport high-value friendlies. Thanks for dedicated inbuilt technology it has the ability to temporarily disable enemy weapons platforms, and features defensive cards that shield allies from attacks, making it an ideal support craft for combat in enemy territory.
Availability: TransGov
Tier: 2
Shield: 300 ZWs
Hull: 300 GPa
Power: 7.5 ZWs
Speed: 0.10 LY/m
FTL Range: 10 LYs
FTL Charge Time: 10 minutes
Maximum Fuel: 700.0 LYs
Hold: 200 Mgs
Customisable Rooms: 3
Bays: 1
Can Land: No
Ship Docking: No
Length: 259 m
Width: 108 m
Decks: 6
Cost: 50,000 credits
Skill Requirement: Defence Craft 1.
Crew Requirement: 1
Guild Requirement: None.
Passive Perk: Platform Disable
Allows the ship to play the platform disable card in combat, disabling a cannon or beam platform for one turn.
Defence Role
Defence role ships start combat with a 75% incoming damage modifier.
Starter Cards
[REACTIVE] Ranged Countermeasures: Nullifies missile attacks of any damage type targeted at [FRIENDLY] 15 times for 1 turn.
[DEFENCE] Defence Systems: Modifies the following statistics instantly for [SELF]: Hull: +2 GPa. Internal Systems: +1%. Engines: +1%. Light Drive: +1%. Defences: +1%.
[SPECIAL] Platform Disable: Disable a beam or cannon platform for one turn.
Flight Time Units
As you use a ship for its intended purpose you will accumulate flight time units (FTUs) which can viewed in the tactical window. Once the FTUs reach 100% you will be awarded an upgraded version of the ship (if one is available), parked at a specified location.
The progression path for this ship is: Frigate Enhanced Frigate
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