As a relatively new design by the Civilian Guild the Hauler was designed to better serve miners in frontier systems. It features a very large 3,000 Mg hold coupled with a powerful light drive allowing it to jump up to 30 LYs in a single bound. Like with all mining role ships, the Hauler is efficient at mining giving it a higher mining yield as well as specialist systems to find and filter any exotic cargo while mining. A strong hull rating gives it a surviving chance in combat despite its slow speed, and a single bay gives the Hauler the versatility to prepare for trouble, or stow a ship to help with missions.
Availability: Civilian Guild
Tier: 4
Shield: 500 ZWs
Hull: 800 GPa
Power: 16.0 ZWs
Speed: 0.10 LY/m
FTL Range: 30 LYs
FTL Charge Time: 10 minutes
Maximum Fuel: 2,000.0 LYs
Hold: 3,000 Mgs
Customisable Rooms: 4
Bays: 1
Can Land: No
Ship Docking: No
Length: 754 m
Width: 286 m
Decks: 15
Cost: 200,000 credits
Skill Requirement: Mining Craft 8.
Crew Requirement: 2
Guild Requirement: None.
Passive Perk: Lucrative Mining
Lucrative mining gives a higher chance of discovering exotic cargo while mining.
Mining Role
Mining role ships automatically double all mining yields.
Starter Cards
[REACTIVE] Eject Mass: Nullifies cannon attacks of any damage type targeted at [SELF] 5 times for 2 turns.
[DEFENCE] Material Apply: Modifies the following statistics instantly for [SELF]: Hull: +20 GPa.
[SPECIAL] Cluster Truck: Use inertia beams to place debris in the paths of opposing ships.
Flight Time Units
As you use a ship for its intended purpose you will accumulate flight time units (FTUs) which can viewed in the tactical window. Once the FTUs reach 100% you will be awarded an upgraded version of the ship (if one is available), parked at a specified location.
The progression path for this ship is: Hauler Super Hauler
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