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Legendary Juggernaut

Commissioned by Demarchists as a legendary variant of the Juggernaut, the Legendary Juggernaut improves upon its ancestor in every respect.

Availability: Demarchists

Tier: 3

Shield: 1,000 ZWs

Hull: 8,000 GPa

Power: 22.6 ZWs

Speed: 0.10 LY/m

FTL Range: 25 LYs

FTL Charge Time: 2 minutes

Maximum Fuel: 180.0 LYs

Hold: 300 Mgs

Customisable Rooms: 2

Bays: 0

Can Land: Yes

Ship Docking: No

Length: 589 m

Width: 421 m

Decks: 4

Cost: 50,000,000 credits

Skill Requirement: Defence Craft 100.

Crew Requirement: 2

Guild Requirement: None.

Passive Perk: Integral Cloak
Allows the ship to cloak without needing a cloaking module for 30 days (activate in the abilities window).

Defence Role

Defence role ships start combat with a 75% incoming damage modifier.

Starter Cards

[REACTIVE] Reactive Armour: Nullifies cannon attacks of any damage type targeted at [SELF] 1 time for 2 turns.

[DEFENCE] Patchwork: Modifies the following statistics instantly for [SELF]: Hull: +10 GPa.

[SPECIAL] Cloak: Cloak becoming untargetable by all targets.

Flight Time Units

As you use a ship for its intended purpose you will accumulate flight time units (FTUs) which can viewed in the tactical window. Once the FTUs reach 100% you will be awarded an upgraded version of the ship (if one is available), parked at a specified location.

The progression path for this ship is: Legendary Juggernaut


You can compare this ship to another ship by selecting it from the list below. The compared ship statistics will show in brackets.
