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The Serf is a small dockable construction craft designed to be carried on long explorative journeys with the aim of initial claim of systems. It has almost no defences, no light drive and minimal power. It does however provide the construction role to its mothership, meaning you only need to have a Serf docked to build structures utilising the hold of the mothership for parts.

Availability: Civilian Guild

Tier: 5

Shield: 10 ZWs

Hull: 20 GPa

Power: 0.2 ZWs

Speed: 0.01 LY/m

FTL Range: 0 LYs

FTL Charge Time: 1 minutes

Maximum Fuel: 10.0 LYs

Hold: 20 Mgs

Customisable Rooms: 0

Bays: 0

Can Land: No

Ship Docking: Yes

Length: 41 m

Width: 32 m

Decks: 1

Cost: 4,000 credits

Skill Requirement: Construction Craft 3.

Crew Requirement: 0

Guild Requirement: None.

Passive Perk: Engineering
Allows the ship to build structures, deconstruct wreckages and other debris to recover parts. This perk also allows the ship to dismantle faction owned structures recovering the components used to build them and repair structures.

Construction Role

Construction role ships increase the hull of all friendlies that join in progress combat by 10%.

Starter Cards

[REACTIVE] Latch: Nullifies any attacks of any damage type targeted at [SELF] 1 time for 1 turn.

[DEFENCE] Self Repair: Modifies the following statistics instantly for [SELF]: Hull: +5 GPa.

[DEFENCE] Patchwork: Modifies the following statistics instantly for [FRIENDLY]: Hull: +5 GPa. Defences: +5%.

Flight Time Units

As you use a ship for its intended purpose you will accumulate flight time units (FTUs) which can viewed in the tactical window. Once the FTUs reach 100% you will be awarded an upgraded version of the ship (if one is available), parked at a specified location.

The progression path for this ship is: Serf Builder Engineer Enhanced Engineer Engineer G2


You can compare this ship to another ship by selecting it from the list below. The compared ship statistics will show in brackets.
