As the lead ship of any Family Samsan squadron, the Tempest is a large heavily armed operations class ship. It features a power grid capable of outputting 18.6 ZWs of power and is equipped with high velocity launchers giving it the missile expert perk across every arc. As well as powerful the ship is quick, able to perform dive bomb attacks like its smaller kind and keep up with most other ships. The Tempest also features adaptive dynamics allowing it to land if required.
Availability: Family Samsan
Tier: 5
Shield: 2,000 ZWs
Hull: 2,000 GPa
Power: 18.6 ZWs
Speed: 0.30 LY/m
FTL Range: 25 LYs
FTL Charge Time: 10 minutes
Maximum Fuel: 95.0 LYs
Hold: 2,000 Mgs
Customisable Rooms: 4
Bays: 4
Can Land: Yes
Ship Docking: No
Length: 985 m
Width: 555 m
Decks: 16
Cost: 1,560,000 credits
Skill Requirement: Operations Craft 10.
Crew Requirement: 2
Guild Requirement: None.
Passive Perk: Missile Master
All missiles equipped deal 25% more damage.
Operations Role
Operations role ships increase the critical chance of all friendlies that join in progress combat by 25%.
Starter Cards
[REACTIVE] Profile Change: Nullifies cannon attacks of any damage type targeted at [SELF] 2 times for 1 turn.
[DEFENCE] Command Relay: Modifies the following statistics instantly for [FRIENDLY]: Outgoing Damage: +5%. Critical Chance: +5%.
[SPECIAL] Operational Overlook: All friendly missiles in one turn have no chance of missing.
Flight Time Units
As you use a ship for its intended purpose you will accumulate flight time units (FTUs) which can viewed in the tactical window. Once the FTUs reach 100% you will be awarded an upgraded version of the ship (if one is available), parked at a specified location.
The progression path for this ship is: Tempest
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