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A new addition to the battlefield designed by The Descendants, the Hammerhead is true to its name and is specifically designed to ram other ships. Featuring Rhino class thruster engines on the hammerhead and high powered sub-light engines, it can keep up with most other ships. An engineered structure allows the Hammerhead to absorb blows while taking little damage.

Availability: Descendants

Tier: 1

Shield: 200 ZWs

Hull: 600 GPa

Power: 4.3 ZWs

Speed: 0.30 LY/m

FTL Range: 5 LYs

FTL Charge Time: 5 minutes

Maximum Fuel: 50.0 LYs

Hold: 50 Mgs

Customisable Rooms: 0

Bays: 0

Can Land: Yes

Ship Docking: No

Length: 404 m

Width: 102 m

Decks: 3

Cost: 700,000 credits

Skill Requirement: Attack Craft 18.

Crew Requirement: 0

Guild Requirement: None.

Passive Perk: Integral Repair Droids
Repair droids that are replicated onboard so that hull damage can be self-repaired quickly outside of battle.

Attack Role

Attack role ships start combat with a 125% outgoing damage modifier.

Starter Cards

[REACTIVE] Head-on: Nullifies cannon attacks of any damage type targeted at [SELF] 2 times for 1 turn.

[DEFENCE] Spiral Bore: Modifies the following statistics instantly for [SELF]: Speed: +10%. Incoming Damage: -5%. Outgoing Damage: +5%. Critical Chance: +5%.

[SPECIAL] Ram: Ram an a random target causing 50 GPa hull damage to yourself and 150 GPa hull damage to the target.

Flight Time Units

As you use a ship for its intended purpose you will accumulate flight time units (FTUs) which can viewed in the tactical window. Once the FTUs reach 100% you will be awarded an upgraded version of the ship (if one is available), parked at a specified location.

The progression path for this ship is: Hammerhead Enhanced Hammerhead Borehead


You can compare this ship to another ship by selecting it from the list below. The compared ship statistics will show in brackets.
