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Different factions have different selections of ships to choose from. To purchase any of these ships, visit a system that contains shipwright services belonging to the list faction. Some ships require specific skills to operate which are listed in the details for each ship.

Sort by: Required Skill, Ship Manufacturer

No Crew Requirement Ships

Name Role Cost Power Hold Shields / Hull Charge / Range Maximum Fuel
Artillery Boat Attack 750,000 18.6 10 400 / 400 5 / 10 90
Augury Attack 5,000,000 100.0 10,000 0 / 50,000 1 / 50 500
Bait Recon 95,000 1.4 20 200 / 100 1 / 40 80
Barge Mining 90,000 8.3 500 100 / 500 30 / 15 400
Battlecruiser Defence 150,000 6.8 200 600 / 600 5 / 20 160
Bomber Attack 1,360,000 3.9 100 800 / 300 5 / 10 160
Centurion Attack 905,250 28.2 10 1,200 / 800 1 / 20 1,500
Che'Tala Recon 1,500 18.0 100 20,000 / 100 1 / 100 120
Chronite Swarm Mining 8,500 0.1 0 1,700,000 / 1,250 1 / 1 0
Cipher Recon 42,500 6.5 150 900 / 100 1 / 3 90
Cirrus Drone Defence 16,000 2.0 10 50 / 50 1 / 5 50
Clipper Recon 8,000 1.9 40 100 / 100 1 / 2 80
Conqueror Attack 8,502,500 1.8 50 0 / 50,000 1 / 15 200
Corrupted Carrier Transport 1,500,000 36.6 50 2,000 / 1,000 10 / 40 1,100
Corrupted Scout Recon 150,000 4.2 10 400 / 400 1 / 10 20
Corvette Defence 200,000 11.4 150 600 / 600 2 / 8 180
Cumulus Drone Mining 16,000 2.0 50 25 / 50 1 / 5 50
Deminer Defence 1,780,000 7.9 100 300 / 1,000 5 / 10 120
Eclipse Recon 42,500 6.2 175 800 / 200 1 / 3 100
Enhanced Artillery Boat Attack 1,500,000 18.7 10 500 / 600 2 / 15 100
Enhanced Battlecruiser Defence 300,000 7.0 200 800 / 1,000 2 / 25 180
Enhanced Bomber Attack 2,720,000 4.1 100 1,800 / 800 5 / 15 180
Enhanced Corvette Defence 400,000 12.0 200 600 / 600 2 / 15 150
Enhanced Freighter Logistics 300,000 2.4 4,800 400 / 400 2 / 25 220
Enhanced Hammerhead Attack 700,000 4.5 50 300 / 1,000 2 / 5 50
Enhanced Missile Boat Defence 1,500,000 4.8 50 800 / 500 1 / 10 150
Enhanced Scout Recon 24,000 2.3 100 150 / 150 1 / 5 140
Enhanced Shuttle Transport 1,000 1.5 40 150 / 100 5 / 3 50
Enhanced Tanker Logistics 400,000 5.7 20,000 400 / 1,000 2 / 20 220
Escort Support 85,000 8.6 10 400 / 300 2 / 5 220
Fighter Attack 20,000 3.0 50 200 / 100 2 / 5 80
Fighter G2 Attack 50,000 6.0 55 400 / 200 1 / 8 100
Freedom Defence 2,950,000 0.8 10 0 / 5,000 1 / 5 150
Freighter Logistics 150,000 2.2 4,000 300 / 400 2 / 20 210
Gallantry Support 1,508,000 1.2 10 0 / 2,000 1 / 10 180
Guardian Attack 195,000 0.4 5 0 / 2,000 1 / 3 80
Hammerhead Attack 700,000 4.3 50 200 / 600 5 / 5 50
Heavy Corvette Defence 395,000 16.8 100 1,400 / 800 2 / 18 200
Heavy Fighter Attack 30,000 4.5 50 300 / 300 2 / 4 150
Heavy Scout Recon 20,000 4.2 50 600 / 600 1 / 30 250
Hoodwink Logistics 165,000 3.2 500 800 / 800 2 / 10 250
Hornet Logistics 25,400 1.9 650 50 / 100 15 / 5 1,580
Hunter Attack 175,000 4.5 10 800 / 800 1 / 12 120
Hurricane Attack 95,000 6.9 10 800 / 800 1 / 30 85
Interdictor Recon 18,000 3.5 10 100 / 100 1 / 3 150
Intrepid Recon 3,255,000 0.8 50 0 / 1,000 1 / 20 250
Knickknack Recon 26,000 3.8 100 50 / 150 1 / 5 200
Liberty Attack 5,250,000 1.2 5 0 / 4,000 1 / 2 40
Mimic Recon 195,000 17.2 100 600 / 200 1 / 35 130
Minotaur Attack 85,000 6.2 10 100 / 600 2 / 10 50
Missile Boat Defence 650,000 4.6 50 600 / 200 2 / 6 120
Mu'Tuk Recon 910,000 1.1 10 1,000 / 50 1 / 850 320
Orb Drone Defence 5,000 1.0 0 100 / 10 1 / 0 0
Pathfinder Recon 200,000 5.0 200 300 / 200 1 / 50 460
Patriot Attack 5,050,000 1.2 5 0 / 3,000 1 / 4 50
Raven Recon 695,000 2.6 100 400 / 200 1 / 30 160
Scavenger Attack 55,000 4.1 50 400 / 500 1 / 10 90
Scout Recon 12,000 2.1 50 100 / 100 1 / 2 100
Sentinel Operations 7,580,000 1.5 100 0 / 8,000 1 / 10 200
Serf Construction 4,000 0.2 20 10 / 20 1 / 0 10
Shuttle Transport 500 1.2 10 100 / 100 5 / 2 40
Solar Cruiser Defence 120,000 6.0 125 500 / 500 5 / 10 100
SRV Support 1,000,000 22.6 10 2,000 / 400 1 / 80 220
Star Runner Recon 380,000 5.8 50 200 / 200 2 / 15 110
Stratus Drone Recon 16,000 1.0 10 25 / 25 1 / 5 100
Super Tanker Logistics 500,000 4.5 40,000 400 / 1,000 5 / 30 220
Super Tanker G2 Logistics 1,000,000 5.6 50,000 500 / 1,200 2 / 35 450
Tanker Logistics 200,000 5.5 10,000 200 / 800 5 / 10 200
Tug Mining 2,000 0.1 10 10 / 10 1 / 0 0
Tug G2 Mining 4,000 0.4 20 20 / 10 1 / 0 0
Valour Operations 515,000 0.8 20 0 / 2,000 1 / 6 150
Viper Attack 30,000 4.0 10 200 / 200 2 / 2 120
Zephyr Recon 8,000 1.3 200 100 / 100 2 / 2 120

1 Crew Ships

12 Crew Ships

Name Role Cost Power Hold Shields / Hull Charge / Range Maximum Fuel
Drakkar Transport 2,550,000 24.8 30,000 2,000 / 8,000 10 / 2 400

A faction founder or admiral can undertake research to gain access to one of the thirty following ship lines. The research is quicker the more research centres a faction owns and once accessed any player in the faction can attempt to craft a ship within the line.

Ship Lines (30)



Support ships all centered around repairing and support friendlies in combat.



Small ships purely made for combat and little else.


Structure Takedown

Large ships able to deliver devastating damage albeit at a slow pace.


Infiltration Defence

Defence class ships designed for hunting cloaked enemies.


Wormhole Stablisation

Craft with built-in technology for stabilising wormholes.


Recall Mining

Ships designed to mine small amounts with the speed to quickly return.



Engineering specification ships allowing the construction of structures.



Specialists in lucrative mining of medium sized hauls.


Defensive Exploration

Strong ships designed to pulse the local area to scan it.



Designed for nefarious activities all of the glitch line of ships have technology for hacking built-in and undetectable.


Personnel Transport

Large ships designed to haul personnel usually away from the front lines.


Orbital Defender

Small but powerful attack ships designed to hang in a battle.


Quick Mining

Integral mining beams allow the humpback line of ship to mine fast.


Capital Takedown

Heavy and quick attack ships fitted with a large scale particle cannon.


Covert Recon

Recon vessels with the ability for their first strike to bypass shields.



Retired ships from previous generations sought by collectors. Outdated but not without charm.


Faction Prowess

Ships that have been specially commissioned to create legendary versions of existing ships.



Heavy defence ships that come equipped with droids for constant repair.


Damage Dealers

Small heavily shielded ships that have all outgoing damage improved.


Budget Recon

No fuss, cheap recon ships that vary abilities across the line.


Projecting Wealth

All the ships in this series passively generate credits while in use but are expensive to purchase.


Budget Mining

Inexpensive mining ships designed for long-range expeditions.


Torpedo Warfare

Small attack class ships who are specialists in torpedo damage.


Subaquatic Exploration

Craft designed to enter and explore the oceans of planets.


Invisible Recon

With the in-built ability to cloak, the Shadow line is designed for secretly following targets.


Long Jumpers

Powerful light drives allow the Skipper line to jump huge distances and overload their engines to jump even further.


Invisible Transport

Vessels fitted with cloaking technology to safely transport personnel.


Ambush Warfare

Craft with high power ratings and the ability to discharge light drives in the same system for ambushes.


Easy Retreat

Ships with specifically designed engines so that they always have a retreat card in their hand.


Cannon Warfare

Attack craft specialising in cannon warfare.


Long-range Exploration

Ships with an extra large fuel capacity designed to explore and travel for great lengths of time.